Solemn Fixed

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"I—I want mommy and daddy to be together," Niowei cries in Ajax's arms.

He leans in and kisses his daughter's burning forehead, "Daddy wants to be together with both mommy and you. Daddy promises that daddy'll hold onto whatever is left for as long as daddy can, okay?"

"No. That's not good enough," Niowei cries louder and then softer with her fever draining her energy away.

"My poor baby," Ajax wipes her tears and snots, and hugs her tighter. "Don't cry. Daddy loves his little princess."

"Then make mommy understand," Niowei demands in hiccups. "I want us to be together, daddy. I want a mommy and a daddy."

It takes a long time of convincing until Niowei begins eating a few bites and takes a bath.

Then Ajax soothes her to sleep not grasping that Alosrin has been staring at them from a dark corner of the room.

"Sorry, I'll leave now," Ajax slowly gets off the bed.

When Ajax has one foot out of the door, Alosrin sneakily tugs at his sleeve.

They stand there with silence engulfing their hearts, and guilt seals their lips. And their minds dance to the beating sounds they hallucinated.

At last even if it's through the tiny quivers of Alosrin's throat, he manages to leak the phrase, "Can we start over?"

Ajax swings his arms away, turns around, and embraces the brave elf before him. He cries with tears of joy.

"I don't need to know why you changed, but I'm going to make it happen. I love you, Alosrin," the Prince breathes as though his yoke has become weightless.

"I love you too," Alosrin answers in a whimper.

"Your scent is still the same. My garden of wisterias," Ajax digs his head into Alosrin's neck and caresses the body in his arm.

Alosrin chuckles as Ajax's thick black hair rubs underneath his jaw, "Should we?"

"We shall," Ajax allows the elf to drag him into the room across the hall.

And with a single swift of his fingers, Jiang and Zhinu go into the room Niowei is sleeping in and close the door behind them.

The prince and the elf move to the bed with heavy breathing and restless kissing.

"She has your nose," Ajax kisses the tip of Alosrin nose.

"Mother said so too."

"You met my mother?"

Alosrin nods with a smile and tearful eyes, "I met her... She didn't like me that much."

"Well, I'm the one who wants you in my life so that's okay. Actually it's better this way. I don't want anyone lurking in the shadows, waiting to snatch you away from me," Ajax laughs and unties the scarf that covers Alosrin's long ears.

"Don't hide them when it's just us and Niowei," Ajax whispers into the long ear, and begins teasing with gentle bites and kisses.

Alosrin softly moans and hooks his arms around the strong neck of his lover.

The prince explores the dark skin body with much precision like he is recalling the first time he touched the body.

"You know me, but I'm finding out for the first time," Alosrin flips their positions with ease.

He bites his bottom lips with a wide smile, "Am I your first male companion again?"

Ajax averts his eyes and sucks in his lips, "I've been a bad boy, punish me however you would like."

"Yes, you have." Alosrin lies on top of Ajax like two blocks of wood, "What do you propose as your punishment?"

"I want a kiss."

Alosrin leans down and kisses the prince's cheek, "No more kissing on the lips."

"But isn't kissing your favorite?"

"It still is." Alosrin covers Ajax's eyes with his hands, "But you like kissing more than I do."

The prince slides his hands down and slips under Alosrin's thin shirt. When he feels something odd, he asks, "Are you hurt? Why is there a bandage?"

"It's there to decrease how visible my breasts are. Would you mind unwrapping the bandage?"

Ajax does a forceful pull and Alosrin's shirt tears apart like colored leaves in autumn.

His eyes stare at the soft shapes on Alosrin's chest. He looks at them from a few angles with dilated pupils.

"They were for your daughter," Alosrin lowers his head, feeling a little flushed.

"May I touch them?"

Alosrin gives permission with a slight nod.

"They're so soft and elastic—"

"Don't describe them," Alosrin quickly covers Ajax's mouth.

Ajax feels as though his heart is completely full, so he complies with Alosrin's wishes: no kissing and no describing.

The night goes on smoothly for them.

In the morning, Alosrin wakes his daughter with a tray of breakfast, "Wake up my darling."

Niowei opens her eyes slightly to see if her father was also beside her bed. Due to other reasons, she doesn't see him and tightly shuts her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Alosrin places the tray near the footboard. He hovers above Niowei and whispers, "Mommy's going to tickle you until you open your eyes."

But the little girl only grins gleefully.

"Where is Yllathanise ticklish?" Alosrin uncovers his daughter and grabs her feet, "Is it here?"

He runs his fingers along the sole of her feet and blows a loud raspberry.

"Stop. Stop it mommy. Yllathanise surrenders," Niowei reaches to cover the sole of her feet with her hands.

Alosrin blows more raspberries while Niowei laughs loudly. When she sees Ajax behind Alosrin, she cries, "Daddy, help Yllathanise. Mommy is tickling me."

"Good thing daddy knows where mommy is ticklish," Ajax jumps into the bed and wiggles Alosrin's ears gently with his fingers.

The elf freezes on the spot until Niowei removes her father's hand away from the elf's ears.

"Don't do that daddy," Niowei pouts while hugging Alosrin. "Mommy doesn't like it."

Ajax sucks in his lips, doesn't know how to react. He thought he was going to become a hero but ended up being the villain instead.

"Daddy is very sorry." Ajax leans in and hugs Alosrin from behind.

Niowei waits for Alosrin to react badly, but he stays still.

She then smiles brightly and asks Ajax, "Are we back together?"

"Mommy and daddy are going to try again," Ajax kisses his daughter's rosy morning cheek.

They stayed in Thempolis for a few more days before continuing their journey to the West. As planned, Aguano went with them and Borscht and Niltiocles stayed.

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