Because It's Love

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By evening, Yasana sits by Maeve's side in his room with her brows narrows low above her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Maeve asks the young dragon.

"I think I want to return to Aarth. Something is bothering me," Yasana bites the corner of her lower lips.

Maeve smiles and pats Yasana's head gracefully, "Don't worry about us. We have Nillin and everyone else protecting and helping us. You should go wherever you feel like you need to be."

"Are you sure? But I also said I'll stay with you until..."

Yasana's voice trails away when she sees that Maeve is no longer a frail human like he used to be in her old memories.

"I see," the young dragon whispers in relief. "Then I shall be leaving. Please take care, uncle."

With a warm farewell embrace, Yasana exits the room and leaves the fortress by foot until she's comfortable enough to use her mighty dragon wings.

Nisara runs naked from the other room after Sudra and Bianca gave him a royal bath.

"Oh boy," Maeve picks the wet child up.

Sudra and Bianca lower their heads after running exhaustedly into Maeve's room, "We're terribly impotent. There is no excuse."

"Don't blame yourself so much, this child is always like this. Aren't you?" Maeve kisses the chubby and rosy cheeks.

"Ah!" Nisara claps his chubby hands with much excitement and joy.

Maeve chuckles at the maids' lost expressions before dressing the little child for bed. Yet, Nisara is full of energy since he didn't get to do much today.

So they dance, play other games, and talk for a very long time until Nisara rubs his eyes and lets out a big yawn.

Although both of the maids saw this played out, Bianca grows resentful of Maeve whose life she desperately wants but sees Maeve waste it away playing a normal mother for Nisara; meanwhile Sudra appreciates how much Maeve takes time to care and nurture the Crown Prince in a way that royalties don't ever experience.

"I told you the Queen is a good person," Sudra whispers softly to Bianca.

"Shut up. I know he's a good person, just not as grand as everyone makes him out to be," Bianca replies with a stout face.

Maeve quickly turns around after hearing them whisper, "Oh, sorry. I mean to tell you two to rest already. I must've forgot, so please rest for the night."

They nods and leaves the room where Maeve is breastfeeding Nisara alone. They take their baths and each falls asleep soundlessly.

In the room so large and quiet, Maeve couldn't help reflects upon the awful day.

"It's still not safe for us to be back," Maeve brushes his son's silky hair with a calm demeanor. "I trust your father, but he seems as helpless as we are."

Then with a chuckle, Maeve whispers, "You've gotten so big, my arm is falling asleep."

The door knob turns and Nillin walks in with the lingering smell of perfume and alcohol.

"I miss you so much," Nillin's mouth is pressed against Maeve's bare shoulder.

"We miss you too."

Nillin sneaks his arms around his wife's waist, "If only I can make you stick to me like this all the time."

"Please take a bath while I put our son to bed," Maeve leans back onto Nillin.

"What if I just tell Borscht to take Nisara to the other room while you and I get cuddling?"

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