The Third Brother

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Artemis is the third brother I have yet to tell you about. I'm not even sure if he attended my wedding since he wasn't at the breakfast feast.

Although like my other eight brothers who loves me, this brother loves me in a different way.

Let's just say he also helped my sister and I protest against my first wedding. He is also the reason my parents really wanted me to marry my sister.

Wait. If Artemis is here, then my family is alive!

"Mae Mae," Artemis moves closer to Asahi and I and sits beside the coat.

"Big brother, where is mother and father?" I sit up with Asahi on my laps.

He makes a confused face, "Are they at home? They haven't told me I can return home yet, so if they're not home, I wouldn't know."

I am rendered silence because I am unsure if I should be the one to inform him.

"Anyway, why are you here? Where's your husband?" He changes the topic—which I can't tell what is harder to explain to him.

"We're here with my grandmother-in-law and sister-in-law and her friend to visit at the Elven Ruins," I decided to answer Artemis.

"Oh. Where are they? I would love to meet them," he answers snarkily like he wants to point something out to me.

I think it's the kind that subtly hints that I shouldn't have marry my husband and married him instead.

"Sure. They're over here."

When Asahi and I get off the coat, Artemis already place it on my back.

"Thank you, Brother Artemis."

He nods with a smile as we walk toward the group.

"Oh. This is my son," I pop Asahi head for Artemis to see. "His name is Asahi."

"Like the sun," he notice right away. "He is unmistakably his father's son."

"So you met my husband?"

"Sure did. I objected and father kicked me out," Artemis laughs it off like it's nothing.

As we get closer to the women, I hear Grandmama says, "I don't know who you think you are, but just because Maeve says do it doesn't mean I'll accept your vile feelings towards my Nina."

"You, a daughter of a mere doctor, think that you're good enough to be in my family?" Grandmama stops as she notices me standing behind Fiona.

"Then what about me, Grandmama? Are my feelings for Nillin also vile?" I ask with a butterflies in my stomach.

The old woman moves to take my hand, "No. No. You're the son of Master Sihipe. You're more than what we can ask for."

"Who's this narrow minded elderly mortal?" Artemis's tone is heavy.

I turn to stop his advances.

"This is my grandmother-in-law, Queen Nanya," I give my brother a serious look. "Everyone, this is my third brother, Artemis."

"Who's the one in bandages?" He points to Nien's legs.

"My sister-in-law, and," I gesture to Fiona, "this one is Fiona, the family friend I inform you earlier about."

"Where's the people who supposed to service and protect you?" Artemis asks suspiciously, but I feel like he just want to hear it from our mouths.

I sigh loudly, "Stop it Artemis. They're my family just as you are too."

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