Fiona's Wish

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The next morning, we discuss about leaving.

And of course Niowei refuses to because her daddy is already here.

Artemis and Alosrin also discuss repopulating Enzumins. They first need to discuss repopulation of Zummarians with Gozen and Yennenga since Artemis won't be populating Zummarians if he is helping Alosrin.

Yet again, Niowei refuses and detests Artemis. She wouldn't let Artemis near Alosrin.

I'll say like aunt like nephew.

Meanwhile we continue to do inventory for Enzumin's Food Storage Units, Alosrin tries his best to convince Niowei.

It's not after another two weeks that I realize how odd Fiona has become.

She seems to always avoiding people (especially Grandmama) and being by herself.

So after dinner one day, I ask to speak with her and we hide between the bookshelves like we once did.

Except Asahi is with Alosrin, Niowei, and Artemis, playing fourth wheel I guess since Niowei adores Asahi.

"What did My Queen want to converse about?" Fiona avoids eye contact with me.

I am conjecturing about something but I decided to go a different path and work in my speculation to the conversation.

"How's your family's opinion of you?" I ask with a soft smile on my face trying to break the tension.

She shrugs her shoulders, "The same as always. But that's not what My Queen really want to know, right?"

We stay quiet for awhile until she initiates, "If My Queen is wondering why I'm anxious, it's because I missed two menstrual cycles."

"Did my brother do anything to you?" I ask nervously.

Fiona flinches at my question, "How did My Queen even come to that conclusion?"

"Well, I'm sure I haven't done anything to you, and Mother couldn't have had the chance to—"

"My Queen believes I'm pregnant?" She asks with a firm glare.

I take in a deep breath because I don't want to offend her unnecessarily, "Well, you also have gotten very thin and I don't know. I just think you're pregnant and missing your menstrual cycles solidified it for me. I'm sorry if jumping into conclusions may have—"

"You got me. I think I'm pregnant too," Fiona hides her face behind a book she pulled off a shelf.

I let her breathe it in and wait until she's ready to speak again.

"The only problem is that the only person I done it with lately is Prince Nien," she bites her bottom lip in anger and confusion. "How can we get pregnant? We're both females!"

But I'm just blown by surprise—I didn't know they did it. I mean I just thought they made up like how friends would.

"I know My Queen must feel disgusted. I'm sorry, I won't talk to thee anymore," she gets up but I pull her back down with her forearm.

"No. I'm not disgusted. I'm shocked that I didn't realize it sooner and made you say that out loud," I can feel my cheeks burning from embarrassment.

"I don't mind saying it out loud per say. I'm just very sensitive to the Queen's opinion of me."

"Why mine?"

"Because My Queen is someone I really admire and respect from the bottom of my heart," she says it so casually that I feel like my heart is going to stop.

I feel even more embarrassed.

"My Queen, I think it's the moss's explosion that caused this, but I don't know why or how. Could thee ask Mistress Alosrin about it? Like is there something special about those explosive moss?"

She grabs my hands and asks in sincerity, but jolts away after she returns to reality.

This time she stays quiet for me to digest the new information.

Alosrin did say Dawerilium in its liquid form will cause change in reproductive organs, but Nien was exposed to the gas form of it.

Well gas does turn into liquid under certain pressure and temperature; but what will Dawerilium's condensation point be?

Or is it possible that Dawerilium can sip into the bloodstream and becomes its liquid state?

But I'm already exposed to it at Grandmother's place, and it was painful around the pelvis area...

"Did Nien complain about some sort of pain around the pelvis area?" I ask while still unsure if this is still even possible. "Other than the usual menstruation?"

However, Fiona turns bright red like she remembered something embarrassing.

She hide away her face while shaking nervously, and answers me with a simple nod.

"Well then. I believe you got what you wanted," I smile even though I still need to check the possibility with Alosrin. "Congratulations."

Fiona peeks from the edge of the book, "You think we're pregnant? Is it possible?"

"I'm not too sure about the details so I'll need to ask Mother, but for right now I think you are. Although I don't want you to be too happy or tell anyone yet," but I am smiling and feeling happy for them.

"Thank you," she smiles and caresses her belly happily.

We look at each other while giggling at the situation.

"Do you think Queen Nanya will finally accept me?"

And bam! We're back to sick reality.

"Why do you both look so depressed?" Alosrin looks at us with the usual indifferent face while carrying an asleep Asahi in his arms.

He walks over to us, gives me Asahi, and sits beside me, "Are you okay?"

"Yes?" Fiona answers after asking for clarity from me.

"That doesn't sound very confident at all," Alosrin gets up. "I'm not so rude as to be nosy when I'm not wanted. Have a good night you two."

"Wait, Mother." I give Fiona a firm nod before continuing, "Say if someone is burned by the moss just a little, is it possible for the said person to gain another reproductive organ?"

He turns around with confusion and curiosity, "I only know one person who survived an explosion from the moss and the spores, but I suppose more than one person could survived both the burns and spores."

"To be sure, I'll need to examine both parents of the conceived child," Alosrin smirks confidently.

Fiona just look away in horror and so I reply with, "Thank you, Mother. I'm sorry about bothering you with the hypothetical."

"It's my pleasure," and then he leaves us alone.

I place a hand on Fiona's shoulder, "Alosrin will be a great mother-in-law for you. He's very kind hearted, graceful, and considerate."

"Are you sure you're not describing yourself, My Queen?" Fiona curls the corner of her lips slightly.

"Of course not. He is him and I am me... I'm a little tired so I'll be going to my room now."

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