The Secret Dog

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Alosrin's brows narrow to a point and his emerald eyes darkens, "It wasn't the Aarthian King that blew up the mountains?"

"No?" Sandy shakes her head, "His cousin who married Young Lady Hienzworth did. He's now known as King Fagolan Hienzworth of Asandria, the Dragons Slayer. A long title if you ask me."

The elf bites his lips thinking about his nephew and step-son.

He was told by Maeve that it was Nillin who led the massacre of Enzumin, but now he thinks otherwise.

Nillin may had just gain all his reputation by being there during the actions, but he probably never made any of the plans or done any of the things they said he did.

If he did, he wouldn't had lost his wife and child so easily according to what Maeve told him.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't think my stepson killed my people," Alosrin covers Niowei's ears before saying so.

"No. No." Sandy shakes her head in disbelief, "Everyone knows the current King of Aarth lead the Enzumin Massacre."

"My daughter is almost four, just a year younger than Nillin back than. No matter how intelligent a child is, I don't think he can lead an assasination. Not even a myth child."

"Mommy. I can't eat with you covering my ears," Niowei pouts.

"Sorry, darling." Alosrin smiles and to Sandy he says, "I'll try to convince you another time."

"But why would someone do that?" The new thought is puzzling Sandy as well. "What would they gain from giving the credits to a child who then wasn't going to be a King?"

Alosrin shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know. Let's talk next time."

"Unless they thought he was until he wasn't?"

"Next time."

"What? What's wrong with Yllathanise hearing about this?" Sandy raises an eyebrow, "She's your child. I'm sure she can handle it."

Alosrin's face turns annoyed, "I don't want to disillusion my daughter until she's old enough."

"I'm old enough," Niowei says cheerfully with noodles still need to be slurped in her mouth.

"Of course you're old enough," Alosrin says with a sarcastic tone. "Old enough to not sleep on the same bed as mommy anymore."

Niowei turns to Alosrin with big watery eyes and a pouty frown, "No. I'm not old enough. I will always sleep with mommy."

"You're overprotective," Sandy comments in monotone. "Every parents ever, I guess."

"You'll understand when you have one of your own," Alosrin shrugs his shoulders with a careless smirk.

Sandy rolls her eyes as a response.

Then they talk about old times and their plans for the future like old friends.

Once they finish their meals, they return to the lobby where Alosrin withdraws some change money.

Sandy hugs her old friend and the little girl, "Stay safe."

And the elf and little girl leave the three leaves bank to walking around the city.

After much shopping, they rest on a bench in a park with a green pond.

"Mommy, can we take this off now? It's stuffy with it on," Niowei exaggerates her situation for Alosrin's pity.

"Then let's go back to Yasana's house," Alosrin stands up.

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