Asahi's Birth

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"Order for Trieu's death first!" Fagolan is unfazed by Nillin's shift in personality.

Nillin turns to Trieu and I just know it's too late, but I just can't let my brother die. I just can't.

I hold my stomach as I drag myself with only my arms to intercept Nillin's dark glare toward Trieu, who comes to his senses once he sees the blood.

"Mae!" Trieu kneels beside me with terror and shouts, "Carcyne! Why are you standing idly there for? Come save Mae Mae!"

Carcyne runs to me and checks for the child's life, "The child needs to be born right now or else no one is going to make it."

"Brother Nillin!" Trieu calls, "Your wife and child are in pain, why are you not doing anything?"

Nillin stays quiet for a second before demanding, "Where's Xielle? I'm not going to repeat myself, Fagolan!"

"Ignore them!" Griflet takes charge. "Commander Trieu, take the Queen back to his chamber and find help. They are going to take first priority. I will deal with my stupid family."

"Wait." I take the red shawl from my shoulders and tear it half. "Give one to Sam and the other for Borrus."

Trieu opens his mouth to yell at me but realize my intention and does as I asked before I am taken to my room.

I moan in agony because the pain is too much. I can't focus on my fear of childbirth and simply trying to distract myself from the pain.

"It hurts!" I cry and place all my strength on Trieu's hand.

"You're hurting me!" Trieu winces from me grabbing him.

"I'm in more pain than you! Just let m-ahh. It hurts!" I gasp for air, "When will it be over?"

"I don't think the child wants to come out since it's not time," Carcyne is in tears as she tries to explain to Trieu.

Trieu looks at me with sorrowful eyes. He kisses my forehead, "Big brother is here, Mae. I won't let you die... Carcyne. Save Mae even if that means the child will have to go."

"No!" I cry even more. "No! Don't let my baby die. Please. No."

However, Trieu's face is stern and gives Carcyne his order.

The Amazonians also agree with Trieu because they now also look resolved.

I grab my stomach, "Save my baby even if it kills me. Please, save my baby. Don't let Prince Nillin have my baby. Take my child back to my mother and father and brothers and sisters."

"The child is tainted with HIS blood! You are the only one-"

"Don't say that! You're the uncle for my baby, okay?" I sob and my nose is running. I can't breath, but able to mumble my last words, "Please love Asahi as if he is yours."

And my consciousness gives out on me.

When I begin to be aware of myself again, I feel most pain around my center.

My throat is also dried like a desert, so just in need of a comfortable peace.

"W... Water," I vomit the last bits of air from my stomach.

Fortunately, Carcyne is beside me and offers me the water I asked for. Her eyes and her breathing are sad with something weighing her down by the second.

I drink the water and feel if what I recall is a dream or a reality. Is the child still inside of me? But it's as flat as I remembered it last year except for the obvious stitches.

"Where's my baby?" I ask while Carcyne takes the remaining water from my hands. "Where?"

"He's fine." She softly whispers into my ears and leaves my side to a crib. Carcyne picks the child up and hands him to me, "This is the child."

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