Lady from Huca

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Early the next day, the four children wakes up to the joyous laughter of a small child being bathed by his mother.

They peek their heads from the door frame to the bath area of the room.

"Sh. You're too loud, there are others still sleeping," Maeve places a finger over his closed smile.

"I luv wu!" Nisara splashes what is left of the water in the bucket he's in.

"Asahi!" Maeve chuckles and kisses the little child everywhere.

"I miss mommy," Zeno, the youngest of the four, begins sniveling.

Maeve turns around and sees the older ones covering Zeno's mouth while tears run down his cheeks.

"Would you like a bath too?" Maeve gestures for them to come into the bathing area.

"It's alright—"

"Yes!" Sina jumps happily.

Wendy and Rayn glares at their younger brothers, but Rayn look up to say, "Can we?"

"Of course."

Maeve fill the big tube with warm water and three of the four children jump. He helps bathe Zeno while Wendy holds onto Nisara and they watch from the chair by the window.

After drying and clothing them, Maeve lead them out of the room.

The place is quiet except for the voice of an unfamiliar woman scolding someone.

"Excuse me," Maeve makes a confused look with Nisara in his arms, and the other children hiding behind him.

"We're terribly sorry," the one who was being scolded at answers with a brilliant, glowing smile.

"Do you have any business with me?"

"Uh no. No, I mean I do. So yes?" She turns to the person who just scolded her.

Maeve gives Nisara to Wendy and tells her to take the children back to the bedroom.

"No. We're not bad people. We're sent here by your mother, Lady Bethany."

Wendy stands there suspiciously, not following what Maeve told her to do.

"You are Master Ina aren't you?" The girl winces with a soft bubbly smile.

Maeve gives a worried nod.

"Awesome! I heard amazing things about you, so I asked Lady Bethany for work and since I wasn't really good, she told me to wait on you."

"It's fine. I can take care of myself and these children," Maeve returns a weak smile.

The bubbly nature pops into a sad slumber. The girl sighs, "I guess it can't be helped."

"But you're welcome to stay for breakfast and visit anytime," Maeve doesn't want her to feel too bad.

"Ah really? Thank the heavens!" The girl rushes over and wraps her arms around Maeve's waist for a gently, squeezing hug.

The one who scolded her pulls on her dress, "My lady should let go."

"Ope. Sorry. It's really nice to meet you. I am Lady—Miss Gao-Jer, but Jer is just fine, and my colleague here is Miss Omega."

Omega glares at Jer like a mother who is thinking, 'I'll scold her when we get home.'

"I am Maeve. The big girl is Wendy, and the other girl is Rayn. Their brothers are Sina and Zeno. And the baby is my son, A—Nisara."

"So you're not Master Ina? I was so sure... Perhaps he is your husband?" Jer puckers her lips and has a finger on her chin.

Maeve laughs loudly, "Bethany calls me Ina, but everyone else calls me Maeve."

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