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I finish feeding Asahi upstairs and as we come down, Nien, William, and Wylton moan in pain trying to be manlier than the other.

Grandmama takes Asahi into the kitchen while Fiona finishes up with putting ointment on William's wounds.

I sit among them and ask, "Who would like to tell me their version of what the argument was about?"

"I do!" Wylton says with a smile.

I gesture for him to tell his version.

Wylton says that his brother and him only wanted to see Fiona and I, but Nien stopped them saying he, as my brother-in-law, cannot allow two men to enter my house. William tried to explain to Nien that they are not bad men, they only want to see Fiona and I.

Then the fight happened and Wylton is unsure who started it.

Then William goes next. William says he started it because he doesn't see how he couldn't meet Fiona when Fiona is his fiancée, and tired of explaining himself to a little boy who wears a skirt.

When it's Nien's turn, she refuses.

"They told it exponentially well. I don't see how my version will change your mind," she looks over to Fiona. "It was about her no matter how many version you need to hear."

I turn to Fiona, "Do you want to see or speak with Sir Wylton?"

"No. I have nothing to see or speak to him about," she answers nonchalantly and finishes applying ointment on William's wounds. "I wouldn't even do this if My Queen hasn't ask me to."

With a sigh, I turn to William, "I don't know where else to judge them, so to you, Young Master William, I am a married person. Even if my husband isn't around, I will not be unfaithful to him."

Nien makes a smirk and William snatches Nien's collar.

Perhaps William feels Nien's breasts because he blushes all the way to his ears, "You're a woman!"

"Obviously," Nien pushes William's hands away to only tear her blouse revealing her breasts.

I quickly grab one of Asahi's baby blankets and cover her bosom.

"Nien, please go change upstairs," I ask exhaustingly.

Wylton pulls on Fiona's wrist, "You left me for a woman?"

"Fiona and I aren't like that," Nien refutes instantly. "She's my best friend and used to be my bodyguard and war advisor. Now she's just my best friend."

"You heard that? Now let me go!" Fiona retreats her arm revealing how much strength Wylton was gripping her wrist.

"Then it should be fine. Marry me," Wylton tries to hide his anger and joy at the same time.

"My brother is a great man, Fiona. He's also good in bed, and my family is wealthy so you'll be well taken care of," William comes in smugly.

I just want to scoop my brain out when these two brothers are this... I can't find a good word to describe them nicely.

William somehow caught my hand in the midst of things, "The same goes to you, beautiful."

Nien chops at William's wrist and he pulls back in pain. She says to him, "Don't try to make a move on my brother's wife, pervert."

"Wyl, take your brother back. I don't want to see him harassing the Queen anymore. If I hear it one more time, I'll chop off his nuts," Fiona's nose twitches violently.

William shrieks in fear, hiding behind his older brother.

"Say that you'll marry me and we'll leave right now," Wylton narrows his attention on Fiona.

Fiona slaps her forehead in frustration, "Dude! Take a hint. I don't want to marry you. That's the whole reason I became a warrior and went to work in the Capital."

"I can see that you're also suffering from unrequited love," Wylton whispers in anguish. "I am no ambitious Prince nor am I handsome. All I have is my strength that will one day leave me, but my love for you will never waver. I'll wait for when you see my way, Fiona."

Wylton gets up and pulls his brother by the arm and they leave the little cottage.

When Wylton's sadness finally dematerialized, I notice Nien's shocked expression.

She turns to Fiona, "Why are you in love with me? You knew I was a woman from the very beginning. You are my best friend... Does my friendship mean so little to you?"

Nien rushes upstairs and changes into his usual clothes. She comes downstairs without batting an eye to anyone.

"I have a plan I want you to hear, Nien," I stop her before she could vanish perhaps forever.

Although she is hesitant, she comes to sit before me ignoring Fiona's stoic face with watery eyes.

After a deep breath, I explain to her my plan about journeying into the Elven Ruins.

Nien stays quiet for a while before reaching for my hands and placing her forehead on top of them.

"Why are you telling me this, Maeve?" She asks guilelessly with a knot at her throat.

"I convinced myself that I brought this upon my people and had no idea as to how to reverse my deeds; so why are you giving me hope?"

I look over to Fiona who places a finger to her lips that are smiling.

"Because we are a family," I place my head on top of hers. "We help each other, not fight with ourselves."

Something sparks inside Nien and she leans in to hug me with tears flowing down her cheeks.

I rub her back the same way I do for Asahi, and she holds onto me tightly.

It feels like I have gained a daughter.

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