Maeve is Strong

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Rather than taking Caria to the top floor where we have the whole room to ourselves, I take her to where I once sleep, one of the tiny closets hidden throughout the building.

"At least cover yourself," Lesly throws a towel around Caria and me. "Where are you taking her?"

"To a place they won't find her tomorrow morning. Grab me some clean towels as well," and with that I leave the bath place.

I take us near the kitchen, through the food storage room, and in the back is a wall that can open like a door with a push and a slide to the left.

It looks exactly like how I left it.

"Could you lay down some of the clean towels?" I ask Lesly who's wearing an astonished expression but still does what I ask.

I lay Caria down and apply pressure on her wounds, "Could you help go get the other girl that was with us?"

She nods and leaves.

Caria's face is losing its color. Man, wasn't I supposed to be the one to be taken care of?

Well, I guess Caria was taking care of me since she's the one who got hurt, but it wasn't because 'I' was going to get hurt.

Then I rethink what I'm doing. If they are going to get a warrant and comes search tomorrow, would that make it more suspicious to not find Caria with me tomorrow?

As for Griflet, Kay, and Borscht, they will have to hide when the warrant comes tomorrow morning. I know about five other cramped places.

"We're here," I hear Lesly.

"Carcyne, please help her."

"Yes, Milord." Carcyne enters the closet after I leave. It's too small for three grown people.

I sigh and fasten the towel around my waist.

Lesly continues to stare at me for a while before curiosity goes over her, "How do you know there's a place like this here?"

I roll a shoulder with a smirk.

She walks around me with an observational posture. Then points all over my body especially parts I can't see.

"Kiss marks," Lesly put a finger to her lips. "Treated like an overly protected young master. Cared for by direct soldiers of Lord Griflet. Are you Nillin's male wife?"

This girl is very keen, almost scary.

Again, I roll a shoulder with a smirk.

"Milord. She is stable now, but she should rest for a few days," Carcyne comes out of the closet.

I nod my head and go inside the closet to carry out Caria, "We're going to continue with our previous lie. I shall be Lord Jacque, Lady Lesly's finacé, and Caria and Carcyne are my servants."

"Where are you taking her. She is a wanted per-"

It seems Lesly understand what I'm trying to do. I carry Caria back to the room at the top of the building with Carcyne and Lesly following us.

Up the last sets of stairs and we're greet with Griflet, Kay, and Borscht.

I lay Caria on the overly decorated bed in the room and walk back to the rest as also instruct them to sit.

"What happened?" Griflet asks with a heavy heart.

I look at Lesly and then at Carcyne. I sigh a little before answering, "I think some soldiers notice us entering the city and recognized Caria, perhaps Lord Griflet, Kay and Borscht too. They attacked her when she was guarding the bath place for me."

"This city is close to the Western Border to Kalor," Griflet shakes his head.

"I know some secret doors to hide you three tomorrow morning when they come with a warrant," I look straight into Griflet's tired eyes.

"They probably already sent some spies into the inn already." Borscht comments is something I haven't consider yet and can possibly happen as well.

Lesly shakes her head, "I already told the employees to not take in any more customers."

"Thank you, Lady Lesly," her words are the only thing helping the old man feeling less stress.

"It's the least I can do, Uncle Griflet," Lesly smiles for the man.

"By the way, where is your brother?" Griflet changes the topic, "I would like to speak with him about joining Prince Nillin's Revolution."

She averts her eyes for a split second, "I'll tell him to meet with you as soon as the sun rise."

"But I saw him before going to get Lord Griflet and this is a time of crisis," Borscht always the sharp one and doesn't lack hesitences.

Lesly bites a corner on her bottom lips, "May I speak to you in private, uncle?"

Griflet nods and they leave.

Kay gets up and goes over to Caria. I think he has special feelings for her; but Borscht is too into his work and is oblivious to her feelings and Griflet's support of them.

"I'll go get your clothes in the bath place," Borchst says before leaving as well.

And I realize I'm flashing off my hickeys and am almost naked if not for a towel.

Carcyne pulls me aside and her face wants to tell me something, "Milord..."

"What is it?" I assess the distance between her and I so that it's still proper. I don't want any trouble or gossips.

"Please don't be irrational anymore. Milord must take good care of his body," her voice is soft and fills with worries.

Irrational? I don't recall ever being irrational?

She reads my face and explains to me, "Carrying anything over twenty-five pounds is very dangerous. What if you hurt yourself?"

Her words have good intentions, but I don't see who would've carry Caria instead. So I answer her, "I'll try not to carry things over twenty-five pounds."

"Trying is not enough," her brows narrow and her lips pucker. Is she pouting? So cute.

"Then, what will you have me do?"

"Leave the heavy things for me," she answers with a proud grin.

"Aha," I sound the slightest bit. "I can't let a cute girl who can only walk a kilometer in twenty and only six hours a day carrying heavy things when I can help it."

"No. Absolutely not! Milord s-"

"What's with all the shouting?" Griflet climbs back up the stairs with only Borscht carrying my clothes in his hands behind him. Lesly is just not there even after Griflet and Borscht stand on the same level as Carcyne and I.

Borscht comes over to me and hands me my clothes, "Here are your clothes Lord Maeve. Please change behind the screens over there."

Which I did because I have nothing to argue about. Meanwhile, Carcyne explains to Griflet that I have been carrying heavy things that I might hurt myself.

In all honesty, I don't think I will hurt myself. I do consider myself pretty strong, if I may say so myself.

"Lord Maeve seems pretty strong. I think your concerns are for not." Somehow I feel confident after hearing Griflet praises me. I think I can lift a house or something.

I come from behind the screens to see Carcyne is red with fury, "I'm not saying Milord is not strong. He is with child and that is my concern!"

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