The Divide

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That evening, Carcyne and I accompany the maids to Nillin's room for dinner.

They quickly set the plates and dishes, and then leave.

I wonder: what kind of life they were born into and what kind of decisions they made to be here in service?

Did anyone of them ever fell in love? Have anyone of them ever struggling to just live another day?

Can I assume and make up a background for them in my head? Is it right of me?

To distract myself, I look about the room I rarely sleep in.

For the first time, I notice a red cloth sticking out from behind a stand at a far corner of the room.

"What's that?" I ask and point at the red cloth.

Carcyne goes and get it. She draws it before me and it's the same one I was wearing on my wedding day.

She offers it to me after dusting it. I put it around my shoulders feeling a little nostalgic. It kind of makes me feel old and useless.

"So it has been a year, and yet I don't see a development in myself. Am I-"

Then Carcyne and I hear a quick heavy pounds on the doors before silence and then the pounds come again.

Carcyne would flinch every time as well as I. She goes to the doors and opens it to reveal See and Dee, or Bee and Dee, or one of the variation, restraining Aguano with spears against his throat.

They struggle to keep him that way as well since he is a very strong warrior.


"Carcyne. Where's the Princess?" Aguano shouts through his clenched teeth.

The mage answers, "What's the matter? You know you can't be near Milord anymore because of your ulterior motives."

"I'm not here for that!" Aguano shakes the girls off him and he relaxes his muscles.

"The Left and Right Commanders are fighting again and Prince Nillin can't stop them!" He sees that my heart drops and suggests, "Just look out the windows."

I step back and look over my shoulder to see Griflet holding the Zummarian soldiers on a literal leash like animales, Aarthian soldiers, a dead soldier half eaten next to Fagolan, and Trieu, Nillin, and Fagolan are in a deadlock.

Without much time to conspire a solid plan, I simply walk pass everyone and out to the courtyard below where betrayal is waiting for everyone.

My heart and mind are beating like a drum.

It is not until I see the deadlock in the distance of fifty meters that I ask myself, 'How can this issue be solved? Or at least compromised.'

And as I get closer, I see Borrus holding his tongue standing behind Trieu with the other Zummarians.

The Zummarians whisper among themselves about me and it makes me realize how wrong I am. I couldn't solve this. I can, but no one will allow me to.

I look around and try to piece everything together regardless. I can only assume the Zummarian with his tongue cut off ate the half eaten Aarthian for unknown reason.

Fagolan is probably not letting this go and this cut off the Zummarian's tongue and Trieu is unsatisfied that Fagolan did so without telling him first.

Trieu probably know the reason as to why the Zummarian attacked the Aarthian, and so is angry at Fagolan so.

So the reason why Nillin can't seem to solve this is most likely because it has to do with interracial issue such as discrimination that both sides are not agreeing to.

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