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As the fifth month approaches near, the Aarthian Royal family takes it upon themselves to travel Northwest to the city of Thempolis for Prince Nilyan's wedding.

Nillin sits in his carriage, making plans and decisions for his Council to fall back on. He worries that it is a matter of judgments until his Council decrees him unworthy of his throne.

Maeve is in another carriage with the children and Yasana to give his husband a peace of mind. He knows that Nillin will only grow more nervous as to impress him.

However, that is not the whole truth.

Maeve suspects his husband's wavering loyalty because his young ladies in waiting had tried to seduce their King when their Queen is asleep.

Nillin has always loved women, so his lack of attention to clear such misunderstandings gives Maeve further insecurities.

To say it simply, each now has a frightening secret apart from the things already stated.

"Mama!" Nisara tries to steal his mother's attention away from his baby brother.

"Yes, my sunshine?" Maeve offers the young prince a beautiful smile.

Nisara giggles to himself happily as he finally gets his mother's attention.

"You're such a silly boy," Maeve pokes the chubby cheek.

"Nisara, come sit with me so your mother can rest a bit with Niran," Yasana opens her arms for her cousin to join her.

The little boy shakes his head and puckers his lips angrily.

Maeve couldn't help but chuckles, "Yasana, could you take Niran from me. I'll entertain our big baby here."

"Yay!" Nisara throws his hands into the air and eagerly waits beside his mother until his baby brother is taken away.

"You shouldn't spoil him too much, Uncle Maeve," Yasana shakes her head but takes the sleepy Niran anyway. "How are you going to deal with more needy children?"

"Mama! Me! Me!"

Maeve sits his first son on his lap and plays with him, purposefully ignoring his niece's warning.

When night time draws near and the tents are ready, Maeve tells Bianca and Sudra to breastfeed his children while he takes a short nap.

After dinner, Yasana decides to take a tray for Maeve who skipped the meal with his sons and husband.

When she entered the tent, she couldn't Maeve. She went back outside and around to find Maeve sleeping beside a jar of feces.

Yasana carries Maeve to the bed who wakes up and pleads, "Please don't tell anyone."

"Tell anyone what?" Yasana places her uncle on the bed while at the brink of tears.

With a guilty conscience, Maeve answers, "Don't tell anyone how and where you found me just now. I don't want Nillin to know."

"Is this why you've been asking me for stomach pain relievers?"

Maeve sucks in his lips and nods quietly.

"How bad is it?" Yasana tries to feel Maeve's stomach but he hides it with his hands.

"It's not that bad. I can still manage," Maeve whispers softly. Anyone can tell he is lying.

Yasana wraps herself around Maeve, whimpering, "What can I do to make it better?"

"Keep it a secret for me," Maeve pushes her away because he can hear the loud running of his child outside the tent.

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