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Fiona returns to her sense, closes the door behind her, and ignores Wylton's existence, "I'm terribly sorry. I'll take him back."

"Are you seriously just going to act like I don't happen to be on the same plane of existence?" Wylton grabs Fiona's wrist.

She glares at him intensely, "Are you happy now? Let go of me, Wylton!"

"No! I spent weeks looking for you! We need to talk!" Wylton gets up and tries to pull Fiona outside.

However she stands still, "We have nothing to talk about. I have a younger sister, Claire. If I can't marry you, she can."

"But you're the one that I love," his dark eyes close in on her.

"I don't care," Fiona rolls her eyes. "There are a whole bunch of girls out there who would love to marry a Young Master, look for them! I'm sure you'll find one that you fancy."

"But they're not YOU," Wylton sighs in exhaustion.

Fiona ignores him and tries to get Nien off of me.

"No," Nien says drunkenly. "I'm never going to be King, so just leave me alone already. Go home, Fiona."

Her eyes redden and she holds in her breath, "Come on. Let's not bother the Queen."

"I said go away!" Nien shouts at her and then falls back onto my laps.

Fiona lowers her head, "Please allow us to stay the night, My Queen."

"Yes. Grandmama, Asahi and I can sleep in the bigger room; and Nien and you can sleep in Grandmama's room," I look at Grandmama for approval and she smiles as an answer.

"I won't allow for a man and a woman sleeping in the same room when they're not even married!" Wylton voices his morals.

I guess I forgot that everyone else doesn't know Nien is a girl.

"Fiona, why don't you sleep with Grandmama and Nien can sleep with me—"

"I can't allow for that," Grandmama disagrees sternly.

"Then Nien can sleep with Grandmama and Fiona with me?" I offer.

"I will have to disagree," Fiona purses her lips. "I need to be by his side always."

What is this? My head hurts.

"Grandmama, Nien, and Fiona will sleep in my room, and Asahi and I in Grandmama's room?" This is me at my wit ends.

They all think about it and then agree with silent nods.

"I'll prepare the bed sheets for Wylton and the soldiers h—"

"It's alright, William is here so I'll just ask him to find us rooms," Wylton offers me a smile. "Don't worry about us."

I smile, feeling a little better.

"Then we'll be going, Your Majesty," Wylton excuses himself out.

While we're still trying to get Nien upstairs, William rushes in and declares, "I don't care if you're married to the King! I will be the one to love and care for you because you shall be 'my' Queen!"

Wylton hooks William at the neck and drags his brother out.

"I'm terribly sorry!" Wylton shouts while they disappear into the haziness of the evening mood.

We are able to lie Nien down on my bed, "Grandmama, take Asahi into the other room while I clean outside."


"Fiona, come help me," I drag her along with me who is a little reluctant.

Fortunately, the soldiers organized the dirty dishes to one side and the leftovers on another. It is easy to clean.

"Why did you throw such a feast for those men?" Fiona asks me in a quiet voice and her stomach growls.

She takes the dirty dishes to the well trying to hide away her flushed cheeks. So I grab the last drumstick with curry and flatbreads, "Eat this."

"Thank you," Fiona shyly accepts the plate and eats beside me as I do the dishes.

"So," I begin a conversation, "What happened to Arabret?"

"He's a good child," Fiona nibbles on the drumstick. "We helped them escape to Arabret's father in the North. The Princess was reluctant at first, but she softens after thinking about her son."

"How's Master Lexin?" I ask.

"Lesly helped her brother escape after Fagolan called for the execution of..." Her voice pauses and making me finish the rest for myself.

While I finish up the dishes beside the well, Asahi's loud wails destroy the calm evening.

I drop what I'm doing and rush inside the cottage where Grandmama slowly carries Asahi from upstairs.

"He woke up when I pick him up," Grandmama hands Asahi to me. "He's clinging onto you today, isn't he?"

"Maybe he's not feeling well?" I place him close to my chest and I can feel the burning heat radiating off of him.

"I didn't notice before, but he's very warm," I feel like two giant hands are squeezing the life out of my heart. "Why don't we all take a rest? We'll clean tomorrow."

While Asahi is still sniveling, I go through my kitchen searching for anything that'll help. I take some fresh ginger, garlic, and basil, and grind them into a paste with a little salt before adding lots of honey.

I also boil some water before adding cool water to make it lukewarm and wipe Asahi's body.

Asahi lies on his great-grandmother's bed awake and in pain, I try to convince him to eat a lot of the sweet honey mixture but he stops after a spoonful.

"Please one more spoonful. Do it for me okay?" A knot appears at my throat holding in my voice.

But he refuses, so I end up putting it aside on the stole beside the bed next to an oil lamp.

I take Asahi and find refuge with the wall at the corner of the bed.

When comfort seeps in a little, the news attacks the emotions I sealed within.

My father is now dead along with my fourth brother. My mother and siblings probably joined them. Grandmother is probably dead as well, and since Diana and her family are with her...

Carcyne died. Lexin probably hates me just as much as he hates Nillin.

Nillin probably already restarted his life, he does not need me anymore.

The small sick child in my arms sees the sadness in me and empathizes even though he still can't speak.

"Don't leave me okay?" I place his red chubby face up against mine. "Mommy doesn't have anyone left. Don't leave mommy, okay?"

"Please get better real soon, Asahi. Mommy can't hold onto life if you're not well," dampened emotions flow out wetting my eyes and cheeks.

"Mommy is sorry. Mommy was too worried about other things when you should've been my first priority," I try to not be too loud to wake up the others.

"Ehgooo. Mama!" Asahi wails in sympathy.

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