New Problems, Old Problems

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The days slowly pass by and yet Borscht avoids seeing either Nilyan or their daughter.

Borscht keeps himself busy by doing the duties of Master Leire: communicating with the other Masters and solving the problems of the people.

"Master Sinowii has successfully sent the trade to Huca."

"Thank you."

"There are rumors in the South that Asandria is planning to attack and conquer Port City since Master Donita had died without an heir."

Borscht clenches his teeth and gets up from the desk to peek outside the window. It's a peaceful spring afternoon.

"Call Jassin here," Borscht rolls his shoulders back, assuring himself of what he plans to discuss.

Moments later, Jassin enters the study room with an uneasy sensation.

Borscht turns around to face Jassin, and with a serious tone, he says, "It's time for the world to know you didn't die."

Jassin raises a brow at first and then bursts laughing hysterically.

"I'm sure everyone will appreciate your control of the South. We're spread thin, and you should do your part in all of this."

"And steal the King away from his Queen yet again?" Jassin takes a step back, ready to leave.

"Master Lexin. We need your help. The people need you," Borscht rushes to block Jassin's path.

"Then answer me, why isn't Master Leire and Master Sinowii taking any action? Is it necessary for both of you to be in the North?"

Jassin walks around Borscht in an attempt to leave once again.

"You know full well that Master Leire cultivates the food of the nation, I can't leave even if I want to, especially when Jotan is in the state he's in. Master Sinowii has the duty to guard the Northern Sea and mine our resources, which is just as important. We're doing our part."

"And how are you so sure that I wouldn't be influenced by my family that is planning to invade the South?" Jassin pats Borscht on the shoulder.

Borscht drops and kneels with red eyes at the edge of tearing, "What can I do to help my country? I'm so helpless."

Jassin bends down to meet Borscht's eyes, "Why are you taking it upon yourself to do this, that is the responsibility of the King?"

With a deep sigh, Jassin continues, "Have you ever wondered why the King accepted Prince Nilyan as his brother? I guess you didn't because if you did, you would have asked your fiancé for help instead of me."

"What do you mean?"

"Lord Borscht, you're smart but you lack experience." Jassin sits down with Borscht on the floor, "The King accepted Prince Nilyan as his brother because he admitted that he needs help. Honestly, I was only thirty percent sure the King would accept our suggestion, knowing his personality. I guess you can say I was testing him."

The young mother shrugs his shoulders.

"The King wants Prince Nilyan to help Him in the South like how Prince Nien is helping Him in the West. I'm sure he didn't trust Prince Nilyan, but he trusts you. He knows you can govern a city as important as Port City. I think he is waiting until your wedding to inform you since he didn't expect for Asandria to spread the rumors in that way."

"What can I do? I don't know Port City politics. And if I go, what about Thempolis?"

Jassin places a finger on his chin and makes a reflective gesture with a hint of unwillingness.

"Will you govern Thempolis for Leire?"

"No." Jassin shakes his head and offers, "Although I don't want to... I'll go to Port City with Prince Nilyan while you stay here. Also it'll be better if the Princess stays with you."


The morning blue eyes rolled in annoyance, "A newborn obviously should not travel. Also, message Master Leonida and Sinowii for support in the West. I do not trust Huca now that they see us slowly crumbling down."

"Huca would not do that. Prince Ajax is Prince Niltiocles, the father of King Nillin," Borscht narrows his brows with a firm conviction.

"Of course, but who I don't trust is the person on Huca's throne, King Junway. Who's dumb enough to poison his entire country into infertility? And then shift the blame onto his brother-in-law?"

And as if something has become clear to Borscht, his lips part and his head tilt slightly to the side.

"How could he be so calculated?" Borscht asks after his thoughts return to his body.

"All leader's hands are dirty. It only takes another look to see how dirty they are. But I think Queen Maeve is much more calculating. I would never want to be on His bad side."

"What? His Grace is absolutely innocent and gentle and of course graceful—"

"No. I meant the Queen has a great potential to be, and perhaps he is. Maybe I've yet to realize it since He can be so seamless," Jassin shrugs his shoulders and gets up.

When Jassin exits, he quickly returns to say, "Don't forget to make up with your fiancé and ask him to establish substantial peace into the people of Port City's hearts."

That evening the Northern wind blows the sweet and flowery scent of the blossoms in the orchard throughout Thempolis.

Borscht stands at the end of the hall which leads to Nilyan and their daughter. With each step closer to them, their daughter's cry becomes louder and more painful to bear.

The warm light leaks through the cracks of the door frame, and Borscht hears Nilyan soothing their daughter in a deep fatherly tone.

With a master key, Borscht sneakily opens the door without a noise.

"Why's my princess so sad?" Nilyan pats the infant's silver hair.

The young mother's heart breaks because he sees the image of a family in which he doesn't belong to. His daughter is breastfed by a wet nanny while his fiancé sits beside her lovingly.

Borscht begins to have doubts and considers the idea that he isn't needed in a completed family.

He quietly closes the door and locks it back up again.

"He deserves a normal life. He didn't ask for any of this," Borscht whispers to himself after a series of long breathing exercises. "I'll go to Port City with Jotan and ask Kay and Caria to take charge of Thempolis until Aguano returns."

And with that Borscht walks away.

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