Black Pearl

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Yennenga slaps his forehead the same way his wife does, "Why do I get this feeling that it was probably Artemis?"

"No. No. This is actually good," Asana bites her lower lip and pulls her husband closer to her.

She whispers, "Isn't this a good chance to have Artemis get married? I rather he marries an elf than a fairy."

"Yes, but they were really good friends, but what you described seems to be like they're no longer friends?"

Yennenga looks at his wife seductively, "You look hot tonight."

"I know," Asana sighs irritatedly. "We can do it later. Let's go find Artemis and tell him that he has to marry Alosrin because it would dishonor my mother since he did what he did in her house."

"Then we'll go to Alosrin and say the same thing. They were engaged to begin with, and maybe this is the catalyst we were all waiting for," Asana says to ease Yennenga's conscience.

And they walk off to find Artemis, but Juda happened to hear their entire conversation.

One side of him thinks that this might be for the best, but the other wants to stop it in order to further his father's plan.

If Alosrin marries Artemis, then Juda would've failed in getting Alosrin to the be the Queen of Aarth.

Yet it is not what he is most conflicted about.

Juda feels like Artemis betrayed him and was never genuine to begin with. He couldn't forgive himself for falling for a lying lizard.

"Can not believe my dumb ass was considering trading my wings for being with him," Juda mumbles to himself in a bitter tone.

"Love isn't real and no one really cares about me."

Juda beats himself up for something he had no control over, and silently cries in the shadow of a darkfever tree in the garden.

Somehow, Asana and Yennenga convince Artemis in his sober state that marrying Artemis is the only right thing to do now.

But it isn't as easy to convince Alosrin.

"No. Nothing really happened between us, and I forgive him," Alosrin stares straight into Asana's burning crimson eyes.

"But your daughter—"

"She didn't like Artemis then and hates him more now."

Asana is bothered by the fact that she couldn't convince Alosrin, who has a counter for every of her argument.

"But it happened in my mother's palace, if not for Artemis, accept the marriage for my mother. You already killed my brother, are you going to bring shame upon my mother?"

Alosrin stays quiet as he observes the Crowned Princess of Vilii, then he shakes his head without saying anything further to them.

He simply takes his daughter's hand and walks out of the room and palace of the Viliienne.

Juda follows them to the three leaves bank where Sandy works at.

"Where are you two going?" He confronts Alosrin as they wait in line.

Alosrin smiles and ignores the question.

Juda decides to get his answers from Niowei who is staring at him with a confused look.

"Where are you and your mommy going?"

Niowei shrugs her shoulders and placed a finger at her lips with a secretive smile.

"Please? Big brother really wants to know," Juda pouts at the little girl.

She rolls her eyes adorably and whispers, "Mommy said far far away. We're going to live together forever and away from bad people."

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