My Rich Boy

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"Neh!" Asahi sounds.

"Let me feed the child first," I answer him. "How about the three of us go into the bedchamber? I don't like a room full with a lot of people just staring and listening to me breath."

And so we do as I suggest.

Caria still looks like herself, maybe a tiniest bit more feminine now with small flower earrings.

Bortsch now has this uneasy aura about him. I wonder how Aguano is doing.

Kay is more mature now. Perhaps it's Caria's doing.

I wonder what they think of me now. A witch?

"I heard you're very good with children," Nillin breaks the silent.

"From who?" I chuckle, "And I'm not that good. I'm just doing what I learned from taking care of my nieces and nephews."

"Oh," he sounds awkwardly. "I just realize how little I know about you."

"Likewise. Except knew I—Um, Knew except I always I you know much about didn't," I answer and correct myself, only to realize the errors afterward.

I blush silently to myself.

Nillin giggles, "You're half human. It's okay to make mistakes."

I avert from his attentive glare to the child's big sparking blue eyes.

"Eat a lot and grow big and strong," I gently pinch Asahi's cheek, but in my heart I want this child to sleep now since it passed his bedtime.

"Have you consider a wet nanny?"

"No," I shake my head. "I have nothing else more important to do right now then nurse my son."

"I see. It's not just your face that have matured after giving birth," he sounds proud, but I can only shrink my perspective of him.

I cover Asahi's eyes with my free hand hoping he'll fall asleep. However, it doesn't go as I planned.

"I love you, Maeve," I look up to see Nillin surprised and covering his own mouth.

"Please don't say that," my words come out harsher than what I intended.

Nillin moves from a distant chair to sit beside Asahi and I on the bed.

He kisses my cheek and the baby in my arms stops sucking.

Asahi looks dumbfounded and his eyes move back and forth between Nillin and I.

"Father can kiss mother," Nillin carelessly explains.

"You're not his father," I retort back.

"Yes I am. You're his mother and my wife," He proclaims with a smile.

"Because of this man, Asahi, you don't have any kinsmen," I hesitantly add.

Nillin immediately gives off his sad mood into the room.

"Asahi still has the cousin in Lady Lesly's," Nillin says after a while.

The situation is going nowhere.

I get up to get a cloth to wrap Asahi in and hopefully he goes to sleep.

"Let me try," Nillin asks and I decide it's better than me trying for another hour or so.

And immediately, Asahi sounds asleep in Nillin's arms.

He asks a medicine woman from outside the room to care for Asahi while he wants to talk privately with me.

Then in the room where it's just Nillin and I, the night breezes flow in through the slightly open windows.

It's almost a new moon so there isn't much light coming from the night celestial body either.

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