Lonely Mortals

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"Did you inhale any of it?" Kay asks Caria in a whisper.

"I don't think so," Caria answers her fiancé. "But stop talking to me and stay focused."

The King and Queen of Huca takes Alosrin's hands with thankful faces, "Oh, you must make a great spouse for our son. You're so knowledgeable."

"I won't marry your son," Alosrin pulls his hands back to himself while glaring at Ajax who is approaching them. "If anything, I'll stay to help my children return to their home and then leave myself."

"My son Ajax," Queen Fah waves her hand at her son to sit beside him. "This person is a great wife for you—"

But Ajax walks past them to Niowei who plays with Nisara quite a distance away beside Sudra and Bianca, "How did your mommy react after learning who daddy is?"

Niowei leans to her side to see Alosrin as Ajax blocked her view, "Like what he looks like now, daddy. Mommy won't stay with us unless he has to."

"He's so stubborn," Ajax scratches the back of his head with a smirk on his face. "But that's also what I love about your mommy."

The little girl smiles shyly, "Mommy loves daddy too, I'm sure of it."

And in that moment, Ajax sees the black arrows coming toward the back of Niowei's head. His hand swiftly pushes Niowei's head downward and the black arrow pierces through his chest.

Without another moment to lose, Ajax picks Niowei up to leave, but another arrow strike the back of his knee and they fall beside Nisara, Sudra, and Bianca.

Unfortunately, Alosrin was also targeted but Maeve saves him with just a graze on his shoulder.

Maeve takes the bow and arrows from Caria and makes perfect hits.

"My son!" Queen Fah runs to Ajax with misery.

Although Ajax is in his mother's arms, he only caresses the wet cheeks of the little girl beside him.

"Daddy, no! Don't leave mommy and me!"

The vision in Ajax blurs and fades to black. And when he comes to with blinding lights greeting him, it has been a few months. Summer is near.

He struggles to get up and find the whimpering sound that's in the same room as him.

"All of this has nothing to do with you," Alosrin pats a chestnut brown head kneeling before him.

"Not only did my country disowned me, my brothers and my friends have disowned me."

"Perhaps they had no other choice? But what could you have done that could've brought this misfortune upon yourself?"

Borscht looks up at the fading emerald eyes, "The King told me to protect you as if you're my own mother... The only possible explanation is that he wants to keep the Royal Lineage as if Niltiocles did died all those years ago along with you and your daughter."

"Then your friends must've told Nillin about the child you're carrying," Alosrin's thoughts escape a little.

"Alosrin?" Ajax sounds when he finally makes it to the origin of the whimpering sound.

The elf looks up and seems to have freeze on the spot. His body turns cold and yet his face couldn't hide that his full of energy.

"I... I thought I lost you again," the prince steps forward and embraces the elf.

Ajax immediately loses the strength in his knees and Alosrin carries him back to his bed.

"Alosrin, I'm not going anywhere anymore," Ajax locks his hand with the elf.

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