Depressed Wylton

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But I couldn't help myself from giggling, "So he's depressed after learning I'm a man?"

"Yes. That's another way to put," he sighs disappointedly. "May my Queen do something about it?"

"What can I do about it? I'm a married man," I answer him. "And he's a playboy, he'll get better as soon as he sees a beautiful person."

"But my Young Master isn't a playboy, My Queen. He is sincerely in love with you and that's why he isn't himself after Wylton revealed your sex and prohibited my Young Master from ever seeing you again."

"But don't you see what Wylton is doing is right? I am married man," I am confused as to why this butler is doing this for William.

"My Queen is my Young Master's first true love, so no matter how inappropriate it is, I'll support my Young Master," he drops and kneels before me.

I tap his shoulder and whisper my pity as I walk away.

And when I turn the corner, I see that the Young Master was tailing his butler.

"Maeve," William calls me with a very depressed tone. "Why didn't you tell me you were a man?"

"I don't see how I need to—"

William grabs my shoulders and pushes me against a wall.

Asahi let's go if the caramel apple of a stick and begins to cry.

I turn Asahi to face me as I rub his back.

"If you told me you were a man, maybe I wouldn't have fallen in love with you like I am right now," William punches the wall behind me.

"Couldn't you tell?"

"No! And I still believe Wylton is lying to me," he places his face really close to mine.

I sigh and try to go under his arms, but he catches me by the waist with one hand as his other hand caresses my groin region.

"I hate you!" I whisper angrily and elbow him as hard as I can.

I want to beat this jerk into shit, but I don't want Asahi to see my monstrous side yet.

So I slap him with my left hand, "Don't ever show your face in front of me again, bastard."

His butler comes to his groaning aid and I could really care less about them.

After I cool down a little, I am approached by another familiar face.

It's a man with blond dreadlocks that aren't by choice. He is tall and when I look carefully, his eyes are morning blues.

"Lexin?" I whisper.

"I finally found you," Lexin doesn't seem as surprised as his words.

"You were looking for me? Why?" Although I can guess why... Carcyne is dead.

Before he can say anything else, I take him to a nearby restaurant and buy him a meal.

"Thank you, Maeve." Lexin eats his meal very slowly as we sit in the restaurant.

I turn Asahi to greet Lexin, "This is Asahi, Nillin and my son."

"He looks just like you," Lexin offers a weak smile.

"Really?" I help hide Asahi in my bosom again since Lexin do kind of look scary right now.

"Sure. He looks just like you, but with that bastard's colors."

Somehow I begin to think about all the things that has happened to Lexin, and before I know it, Lexin reaches a hand to wipe my tears, "Don't cry Maeve. You're meant to be happy, I just know it."

"I think you're meant to be happy too, but you're not," I wipe the rest of my tears.

"Mama?" Asahi pouts with tears eyes.

"See? Now smile or Asahi is going to cry too," Lexin offers a genuine smile.

"Yeah," I laugh with a burning stomach. "Thank you."

Asahi and I company Lexin until he finishes his meal.

Lexin stays quiet until he asks, "Are you cheating on Nillin with that brat?"

He must've seen Wylton touch my groin—"No. I'm not."

"I see," Lexin chuckles. "And here I was hoping you were."


"Because I want you to start a life that isn't always in a turmoil." Lexin stares at me with his morning blue eyes with concentrated seriousness, "I really want to curse that bastard and his lineage, but I don't want hurt you in the process."

"It's the same as that bastard's cousin and my sister," Lexin runs his fingers through his dreadlocks with extreme frustration.

I couldn't say anything to Lexin because all I can feel is pity.

Lexin looks at Asahi with conflicted emotions as well, "His father wasn't there when he was born because that bastard was with the bitch inside of me."

"Miss Xielle is still..."

He only nods his head lazily.

"The reason it took me forever to find you. It's because that bitch keeps running back to her dick whenever night falls."

"Does she know Nillin chose me that time?" I ask softly.

Lexin shakes his head, "She still thinks they're madly in love."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I should've waited until nightfall for you and him to tell her that she's a dead ghost," he jokingly laughs and rolls his eyes.

He slams the table, "And that bitch get rape all the time too!"

"Fate likes to make playthings out of us, huh?" I laugh sarcastically.

Then a hand slams the table again, I raise my head to see that it's William again.

"So you won't smile and laugh with me, but you will with any man on the street?" William holds a bag of water on the cheek that I slapped earlier.

Lexin stands up towering over William, "I don't appreciate your talking like that to my friend here especially in front of a child."

"But you've been cursing at some dude and some bitch until I decide that I had enough," William pulls on Lexin's collars.

Lexin has not been in his best shape, but he is still gigantic and a laugh makes William freeze like an antelope.

I get up with Asahi whimpering in my arms, "Lexin, why don't we talk elsewhere."

"Don't go with him, Maeve!" William grabs my forearm that Lexin easily tears apart.

I'll leave buying winter clothes and surprise gifts later.

Lexin, Asahi, and I return to the little cottage on the outskirt of town where Nien, Fiona, and Grandmama just finished their lunch.

The three of them make a shared odd look until I introduce, "This is Master Lexin Hienzworth of Asandria, a really good friend of Nillin and I."

"Hello," he bows to Grandmama and then nods for Nien and Fiona.

"Have I seen you somewhere before?" Lexin points to Fiona, "Aren't you that guard that fell on your bums when Nillin and Maeve apologized to me?"

And the atmosphere throughout the living space changes.

"Yes. That was me," Fiona admits it with fear rather than embarrassment.

"And you must be the one that kidnapped Maeve and Asahi?" Lexin points to Nien, "Nillin's half sister or brother?"

"I'm their sister," Nien also comply easily.

"And you must be Queen Nanya," Lexin points to Grandmama. "The first Queen after the curse to give birth to more than one heir."

"Yes, Master Hienzworth," Grandmama lowers her head.

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