In Town

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Here's a special. Happy July 4th!

In the next couple of weeks, we all make preparations to journey for knowledge in the Elven Ruins.

Nien is actually very knowledgeable about foraging and hunting, so she's in charge of our food supplies.

Grandmama cares for Asahi which she is more than happy to, but I still have to breastfeed Asahi, wash him, and change his diaper.

Fiona and I work together on the red wedding dress so we could buy thick clothes for the winter while staying at the ruins.

And Fiona's head is only ever lift from the linen when it's meal and sleep time.

I ask Fiona while we finish off the last of the unnecessarily complicated designs, "How are you so good and fast at this?"

"I was breed to be someone's wife," she answers nonchalantly.

"Oh." It's easy to guess who this 'someone' is.

"The sad thing is that I used to think I was meant to marry him and that's it," Fiona chuckles slightly.

"I just couldn't believe that was it for me, so I went looking for my purpose... And when I met my Prince Charming, I somehow found my purpose against my will and reverted back. Now all I want is to marry my Prince Charming and hope that that's it."

"'Life is too long to devote to reproduction and too short to devote to learning and knowledge,'" I quote this from somewhere.

"Yes," she mumbles quietly.

"Yet when you found the one, you can so easily throw away the pursuit of learning and knowledge to build a family and grow old with the said person."

"Of course My Queen."

My hands stop and I continue, "Then, it doesn't matter if you can live a thousand year or just a second."

Fiona stops too and now she's meeting my eyes.

I offer a smile before adding the final touches.

"Does My Queen regret accepting the King's proposal?" She asks softly.

I chuckle a little, "I wish I can say I don't, and that there isn't a day go by where I regret marrying Nillin; but that's just a romantic ideal."

"Some times, I do wonder about another path where I didn't marry him," I put in my final stitch. "But I love him and our son, and truly it doesn't matter if I can live a thousand years or just the next second."

Then I grab my chest and drop onto the floor, "Just kidding."

"Oh my gosh. I thought my heart was going to explode," Fiona rolls her eyes and breathes heavily.

I laugh but she ignores me.

"Alright. Would you like to go into town to deliver this giant design?" I ask her as we roll the linen.

Fiona shakes her head, "My Queen can leave for town. I'll start preparing lunch."

I give her a firm nod and takes the roll with me outside.

Asahi is napping on Grandmama's laps as she reads her book under the sun.

"The weather is nice, huh?" I place my hands on her round shoulders.

Grandmama jumps, "Don't scare me like that child!"

"Mama?" Asahi wakes up.

"If you're going into town, you shouldn't have woken up your child," Grandmama scolds me.

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