The Devastation of a Mother's Regrets

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"Don't trust anyone so easily. Not even me," Alosrin pinches the bridge of his nose. "I need to go make dinner now. Could you also watch Yllathanise?"

"Yes. Just lay her on the bed," I try to offer a comforting smile but his face stays stoic.

And once Alosrin lays Niowei onto the bed beside me, he leaves the three of us.

I wake Asahi up to eat more since he's not eating enough.

"Miss mommy?" I kiss his soft forehead.

Asahi gives me a sleepy nod as an answer.

"It might be mommy's birthday today, and I'm just glad I'm spending it with you."

"It's your birthday?" The little girl wakes up from her pretend sleep.

"I thought you're asleep."

Niowei crawls over to look at Asahi, "He's super cute. When is his birthday?"

"The seventeenths of the second month," I answer her.

"And when is that?" She looks up at me, "Can I hold him? I really want to hold him but my mommy won't let me."

"Yes, but only after he's done eating," I brush her fringe away from her eyes and behind her ear.

"Does my brother looks like my daddy?" She changes the subject again.

"I don't know since I have never seen your father, but your brother looks like Asahi," I answer her.

Niowei cups her own face with blushing cheeks, "Aw. My brother must be super handsome. I guess he matches you then."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her blunt honesty.

"Do you want to meet him? Your brother I mean," I stare into Asahi's still sleepy eyes. I want Asahi to meet his father at least once as well.

"Yes. I want to meet him. What's my brother's name?"


"Nillin? What a weird name... But I guess Yllathanise will be hard for him to say as well," she places a finger on her lips while thinking about it and her nose twitches a little.

In this moment, she looks like Alosrin and maybe a little of bit of Nien.

"Tell me. Is my brother strong like my daddy and smart like mommy?"

I shrug my shoulders, "If you want to know about your daddy, you'll have to ask your Grandma."

"But mommy won't let me talk to Grandma," she pouts her lips adorably.

"How about I ask Grandma about your daddy and then I'll tell you?"

"Promise?" Her eyes lit up and pulls out a pinky waiting for me to seal the deal.

"Promise." I wrap my pinky around hers.

"Can I hold him now? He's sleeping," she points to Asahi's closed eyes.

I nod, "Okay. Sit still so I can put him in your arms."

"Okay. Hurry. Hurry," Niowei squeals with excitement.

I have her sit in the middle of the bed just in case Asahi falls over. I carefully place Asahi in her baby arms and just watch this adorable kids being adorable.

"Do you like him?" I sit on the floor with my arms and head lying on the bed.

"Yes," she nods immediately. "Because he looks just like me. White hair and light skin. People always made fun of me when my mommy isn't around, so I really like Asahi because now we're both different."

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