With Trieu

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I sit beside Trieu on a carpet with food and drinks along with ten other soldiers.

Maids would move back and forth refilling food and drinks making it appears as though they are never finished.

"It has been a while since we seen each other," Trieu grabs a cup of wine and offers it to me with his other hand already picking up another cup. "Let's toast!"

I love the smell of sweet, sweet wine, so it pangs me as I push the cup back toward him. Trieu's jaw drops, "Mae Mae is pregnant y'all!"

He is about to stand up and shout even louder, but I cover his mouth and pull him back down.

"Sh. Not too loud. It's embarrassing," I can feel my cheeks being flushed even without the alcohol.

Trieu grins evilly. He stands abruptly and shouts, "Everyone! I'm very happy today. Drink one for me."

He chugs his cup and the soldiers cheers and drink one for him. What a crazy guy.

"Thank you," I sigh after Trieu sits back down. "I thought—"

"You though your brother was dumb?" He wears a serious face as he chow down.

I shake my head, "I thought being a uncle would fly over your head and not assessing the situation vividly."

"Hm. I've been an uncle even before your baby is conceived," Trieu gives me a glance. "Father told me to follow you for more than just leading a battalion. We can't let 'any' enemies know that there is a child until Nillin is King."

"Yeah." Somehow I feel nervous and begin fidgeting with my fingers again.

"Mae. We were ambushed by Valdik, Cassiopeya's brother; and when we reached Osay, the capital of Kalor, we were delayed for two and a half months just to be denied a wedding," Trieu chugs down my cup of wine.

He glances at me and then down to my belly, "We might be fighting a two front war soon."

"Why? How? Isn't Cassiopeya their princess?"

"She is and isn't. The battle in Kier where you were captured was meant to send Cassiopeya back to her ancestors, but somehow Nillin didn't eliminate her troops and her."

So what Kay heard about 'they intentionally put her at the front lines because they knew she couldn't win' is true. And that means that the Western Mountains are Nillin's shield and underpinning.

"All of this because she wanted to steal the crown from her brother's head," Trieu shakes his head in disappointment. "Humans are such greedy creatures."

"Indeed. I fear that half of me too."

"Oh so you know... Your husband massacred the entirety of your mother's 'culture'," Trieu places one of his greasy hand on my head trying to comfort me.

I can only nod. I have not find a resolve inside me to confront Nillin about it. I don't know if I could or have the right to forgive him since I feel no attachment to my elven heritage.

We are silent for a while until I decide to tell Trieu the news from this side of the mountains, "I have a friend named Lexin, he wears the title of Master Hienzworth."

"Yeah?" He smiles warmly.

"His sister was the girl that hugged Nillin's arm tightly," Trieu listens and nods along. I continue with, "Her name is Lesly and she is infertile but will marry Nillin or Lexin won't help us. And if he won't help us, we will lose about half of the Masters and Lords we have now."

"That can't be a good thing," Trieu comments. "If Nillin really wants to be King, he should know that only 'you' can give him that title and power. To be honest, I was glad we were denied the wedding,"

This again. I'm like this. I have a baby face—I'm ugly and a man. I lack confidence and perception, so how am I the 'best' for Nillin?

"Why is that?"

"Gods don't bless the Will of a man who have many hearts." So it could've been anyone who got the 'spouse' status first.

Trieu notices that I am pouting, so he adds, "Remember who willingly presented themselves Nillin's kins during your wedding so father can formally accept Nillin after kneeling three times?"

"Lord Griflet and Major Fagolan?"

"Exactly. They are Nillin's maternal uncle and cousin," Trieu turns to me with a concentrated face. "They are his backbone and they chose you of any other."

His words make me feel special and a little more confident in myself.

"Then I also have something else more secluded to inform you of and I also want your opinion about it," I pour two more cups of wine for Trieu so that we appear normal.

"Go on."

"There is a woman named Xielle, she's Nillin's most beloved ex girlfriend, and she is sharing Lexin's body. Carcyne said that we can remove her from Lexin body (since she appears when the sun goes until when the sun rises again) if she is willing to. We have already fulfilled her last wish."

Trieu sips on a cup. I give him time to digest the situation because it's quite odd.

"But I fear that she won't leave after her supposed last wish is fulfilled which is seeing Nillin for the last time. I... I fear that she would try to convince Nillin that she is Xielle in Lexin's body. And when or if Nillin does, our hard work will come tumbling down like..."

He stays quiet until he realize I wasn't going to add anything else.

Trieu smiles awkwardly, "I don't see how my opinion is needed. If you truly fear that then (if this is the opinion) I think—No. I want you to not allow them to meet."

"So I should confront Xielle as soon as possible," I tell myself. Trieu nods in encouragement.

"Would you like for me to go with you?"

I shake my head, "No. I want you to make sure Nillin doesn't—"

"What about me?" I hear Nillin's voice from behind us. "What language was you two speaking?"

Trieu switches back, "It's the Royal Dragonian Tongue. It has a different vocabulary set than the normal Dragonian Tongue you're used to."

Wow. I didn't even realize we switched over.

Nillin smiles with his usual composure and sits down on the carpet between Trieu and I.

My heart skips a beat, so what is this burning feeling inside me?

But then I recall Nillin leading the massacre of my biological mother's people and flirting with Lesly and Cassiopeya.

My heart hardens and I place the mission at the top of my priority list: confront Xielle.

I look at Trieu until he catches my eyes. I nod and excuse myself, "I willing be going first now."

"What's this?" Nillin's tone of voice is cold and scary, "Does being near me put such a bad taste in your mouth that you run away each and every time?"

Trieu purses his lips indicating that it's a lovers' quarrel and he doesn't want to get involve. I'm pretty sure Trieu is just teasing me.

"It doesn't. I'm sorry if it came off that way," I bite my lip from nervousness. "I'm just very sleepy lately."

"Sleepy?" Nillin asks confusingly, and then something clicks, "Oh."

He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss on the cheek, "Have a nice nap."

I can see my heart trying to escape out of my chest. Without putting much thought, I kiss his cheek too, "Welcome back."

Then I retreat back inside the castle.

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