Heartbreak Victims

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Jotan rolls his chin about Alosrin's hand until a knock at the door reveals Wylton.

The elf stares at the familiar face again and tells himself that he's in the wrong time period. He should've already lived with the parents of the people around him and yet here he is breathing the same air as the children who are having children of their own.

Wylton slowly walks up to Jotan and tries to ignore Alosrin's painful glare.

"I'll take Lord Jotan to his chamber," Wylton gestures for the panther to follow him.

"You didn't leave your younger brother in charge did you?" Alosrin raises an eyebrow.

The man with the dusty brown hair and dark eyes has a charming smile when he answers Alosrin, "I did. William is a good person and up to the job when he is most needed. And that's why I left."

"Why here? Shouldn't you return to the King's side?"

Wylton glances at Borscht's stomach before answering, "I got my reasons."

"It's getting late. I'll leave first," Alosrin gets up and parts with them.

And when he returns to his room, his daughter cries louder from Ajax's arms, "Mommy! I—I opened my eyes and you were gone. Don't leave me."

"My poor child," Alosrin scoops Niowei into his arms and gives her multiple kisses. "I'm sorry. It must've been scary."

Ajax rolls his shoulders back and smiles gently.

"Where were you? She missed you," Ajax leans against the arm of a chair.

Ignoring Ajax, the elf places his forehead against his daughter's, "You're a little warm, but not enough for you to cling on to me like this. And you've been clinging for a while now. Now tell mommy why you're acting this way."

Niowei sniffs and Alosrin helps wipe away her snots. The little girl continues with hiccups, "I want mommy to love me."

"I do love you, darling," Alosrin kisses the big blue eyes.

"No. Mommy is planning to leave me because mommy is scared of daddy," Niowei pouts heavily with wet cheeks again.

Alosrin looks up to see Ajax's curious face and accidentally clicks his tongue.

"Please love me mommy," Niowei shivers and strengthens her grip on Alosrin's blouse.

"I will love you even when you think I'm stupid for doing so," Alosrin whispers gently and soothes his daughter back to sleep.

He holds her and goes to sit on a chair in front of Ajax, "We need to discuss our relationship and come to a decision. Although we can hold on to this ambitious relationship, it seems to be taking a toll on Yllathanise."

"We are quite bent on our ways," Ajax slides from the arm to the seat of the chair. "But I am willing to compromise for my daughter."

"She's not your daughter."

"On what account is she not my daughter, Alosrin? Is she not the daughter we talked about? Is she not the daughter we dreamed of having?"

The elf averts his fern green eyes from the prince's daring onyx stare and breathes heavily.

"I promised you that I'll always love and treasure you and our daughter throughout both of your lives," Ajax slowly reaches a hand forward.

Upon a miracles, Ajax takes one of Alosrin's hand and kisses it, "I know you're struggling to grasp your place in a world that you feel had left you in time, and I'm not here to belittle your feelings, but I pray that you'll allow my love to extend from this next life to you both."

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