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In a few days, two of my brothers and a sister along with their spouses show up here in grandmother's lair.

They are my eldest brother, Gozen, my second eldest brother, Yennenga, and my eldest sister, Diana.

I begin to gain some strength as well, but fuck, I hate family drama. I just want everyone to get along well.

Furthermore, upon my grandmother's order, and somehow Nillin agreed, he has spent every waking moment beside me.

I like it, but I'm uncomfortable. Would he do this regardless of grandmother's order? Does he even feel anything for me? Or is it only networking?

Anyway, let's stay away from that topic for the moment.

Diana and my sisters-in-laws are very informative about sex and giving birth (along with something monthly?).

"I have never heard of this spell. Maybe it's a very old spell," Joan, Gozen's wife, comments.

Diana quickly grabs my crotch and then releases it, "Yup. It's still there."

"Diana!" I snare at her, "Please have some restraints."

"Yes, please," Nillin grabs my waist and kisses my cheek. "You're making Maeve as red as a rose."

"Leave us already," Asana, Yennenga's wife, jokingly complains. "How can we tell Brother Maeve any detail if you're lingering around him?"

"Okay guys. The things you already told me are vivid enough. I don't think there is anything left," I laugh confusingly.

"Vivid? Brother Maeve, that was shallow water," Joan's eyes widen as she nods indicating of how serious she is and how naive I am.

Nillin's hand combs through my hair, "I like your hair shorter like before; but, I'll be outside the doors with your brothers. Call me when you're done learning the 'details'."

He gets up and leave.

I feel my hair and agree that it's too long. I like it shorter as well.

"Miss your man already?" Asana asks.

I shake my head. Although I must admit to you that I do already miss him. Love is a weird thing; but unrequited love is a binding blind black magic.

"Isn't it sad that he doesn't really 'love' Brother Maeve though?"

Asana and Diana turn to Joan. They click their tongue and Joan rolls her eyes.

"Can we perhaps talk about something else?" I beg, "Tell me about the 'details'."

They give each other a look. Not just a normal kind of look. The suspicious sisterhood kind.

It's something I have always want to be a part of. It just seems so fun and somehow every girl cares for one another.

"Okay, Maeve..."

They tell me things I wish I can unhear or unlearn. Like how the guy's penis is supposed to go in a lady's vagina. I thought it's elsewhere-and no, I'm not telling where I thought it was supposed to go in. You'll laugh at me.

And giving birth can take a long time and it hurts like a bitch? If it hurts anymore than my 'little' cramps (they told me that was what I was feeling after my 'magical' bath), I don't think I'll survive giving birth.

"But the worst part is that the baby cries a lot," Diana shakes her head in hopelessness.

"Um," I suck in my lips. "So... Where will my baby go out of me?"

Asking that question uses a lot of my confident and self-esteem, but it's a must ask question; and now I feel so little.

"Cloaca?" Joan suggests in complete inconfidence.

"Through butt my?" I slowly digest my thoughts. I mean what Joan said is only a possible explanation, right?

Would I rather through my butt or my p-p...

"Yeah. Through your butt," Diana nods her head digesting the idea and accepting it. "It was the same for Zenia and his partner."

Butt or p-p...

"Nillin!" I call his name, run to the doors, and hug him as soon as I see it's him when the doors open.

There are cold sweats all over my body and my head feel extremely light.

"What did you ladies tell him? We all know he's very gullible," Trieu covers his laughter with coughs.

I throw all of my siblings into the background and whisper into Nillin's ear, "Take me to rest somewhere."

"Okay," he kisses my cheek.

Nillin walks us away and I can hear Trieu whispers to the others behind me, "Seeing them, I think I'll consider marrying a man too. I want to be like Nillin to someone like little Maeve."

Alone with Nillin, the thought of my butt or my p-whatever is driving me nuts. Like what the actual fuck! It's fucking scary either way.

Pooping two inches diameter turds already hurt like a bitch. So whatever hole the baby is going to come out of still going to hurt more than a bitch.

Sorry, for cursing a lot. It helps me calm my mind since I would never actually curse out loud. That's awkward.

"Maeve?" Nillin places his hands on my shoulders and looks straight into my eyes, "When do you think we can have sex. I don't want to postpone my objectives much longer."

I hold my breath and fake a smile.

'How about never?' Is what I would like to say, but my selfless self replies, "I'm ready whenever you are."

"Great," Nillin looks super happy about my answer. However, I feel guilty because I hoped that we wouldn't ever have to do it since I don't want to give birth.

Wait. Why am I the one giving birth and not him?

Oh yes. I'm the one who going to be penetrated. I guess it's my destiny.

Nillin gently pushes me down on the bed we have been sharing for the past two days. His body hovers above mine as he caresses the shape of my body.

His hands start at my waist and follow the curves to my breasts. His head digs at my neck. I feel tiny kisses.

Still, I know all too well where this going to lead to. Childbirth. My tokophobia is more real than I initially thought.

My hands are sweaty and shaking from my anxiety. To diffuse it, I need to distract my mind.

I quietly put my arms around his neck and I whisper, "Please be gentle."

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