Asandria Inn

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Jackenson City is the first 'place' I consciously remember.

The first 'thing' I can remember from my childhood is my mother always being too busy for me. It was always very loud at night and I always sleep alone in a closet somewhere in Bethany's Hope.

For one thing, I remember Jackenson City being a lot smaller, but now its streets are filled with people and shops. Lights hang higher than before.

So I feel a little lost when we reach the place I thought Bethany's Hope is and the signs says 'Asandria Inn' instead.

"I think we should stay here tonight," Borscht smiles and sighs with a big relief after letting Carcyne off his back.

Caria rolls her shoulders and invites me inside.

There stand a man as handsome as Nillin. This man has morning blue eyes and morning blond hair. He is as tall and not just a tiny bit taller than Nillin.

His broad shoulders and clean smile make him appear very charming and welcoming. He spots us at the doors and his eyes smile too.

"What a handsome man?" His lips are nude pink and his words come off to me as a girl flirting to a man.

"We will like a room for six," Caria's brows narrow and her tongue is sharp.

A smirk appears on the man's face and he tilts his head for an employee to come help us before leaving us.

"We will like a room for six," Caria repeats herself to the employee.

The employee simply nods her blond head and lead us up the stairs, to the right, and then make a left at the end of hall to a really long staircase.

The place seem overly nice. Although I may remember a lot of this place, I never was allowed up here. It was deemed only for important masters.

"I don't think we can afford this room," I voice my concerns.

However, the employee shakes her head and smiles, "Master Lexin would prefer knowing that 'I' gave you this room than not."

"Who?" Borscht asks like he is looking for reassurance of the name.

"Master Lexin as in Master Lexin Hienzworth of Asandria?" The employee suddenly has this glow to her that makes her very sophisticated or of the sort.

"Then that man from earlier is..." The employee nods her head slightestly. "Sir Caria, take care of them, I'm going to get Lord Griflet."

As soon as Borscht says those words, he run down the stairs and to wherever he is needed. Caria could only rolls her eyes, throw her things at a corner, and sleep on the floor.

"Could you direct me to the bath?" I ask the employee just right before she walk away.

Of course I know where the baths are, I just want to ask her about Bethany's Hope without the others beside me.

Her head nods slightly and she waves her hand for me to follow her. However, the moment I step my foot about to go back down the stairs, Caria gets up and follow very closely behind me.

I think she would also like to take a bath as well. I would if I was her anyway since we walked a long way and she wears lots of layered armor.

On the other hand, Carcyne ignores us and already doing things with her things she was carrying. It's probably mage stuffs.

"This side is for men and this side is for women," the employee points to each. However, when I enter the men side, Caria follows me in.

I gently push her out of the doorway, "This is side is for men. Please use the other one."

"I'm just watching you take a bath," Caria tilts her head with an adorable smirk. "Can't have other men looking at you, right?"

My eyes widen and my heart stops with her words. Did I hear her right?

Men looking at me? I don't see how there is anything wrong with it. What is wrong is her staring at me while I bathe.

"No? I don't think so," I suck in my lips. "I think I'll be fine so you should not be watching me while I bathe."

The employee just continues to laugh and excuses herself. Still, Caria insists that I should at least allow her to be in the room with me and her back turned.

And no matter what I say would change her mind, so I go with it.

The bath feels amazing. The sticky and sour feeling from walking a long time disappear like a bad day.

I close my eyes and float in the bath.

Then there are like mumbling sounds due to the water. I contemplate whether or not I should look. If I do, it's definitely ruin my mood since it feels so calming at the moment.

My eyes shot open to see what looks like Caria flying backwards as her feet skate across one end of the round pond to the other.

I flutter my vision and rub my eyes to realize Caria is soaked in her own blood and a group of about eight people in black with masks at the entrance of the bath.

Without another word, I run to Caria and pick up her unconscious body with my arms. They say to me, "I would get away from that traitor."

Of course, they know Caria's face. She works for the military under Griflet who is under Nillin, who is sparking a revolution.

"I think you got the wrong person, she is my servant. I have known her since she was a little girl," I make things up.

"Then who are you?"

Good thing I'm quick on my feet, "I am-"

"Lord Jacque! Are you alright?" The employee from earlier enters the room and then turn slightly away since I'm completely naked, "Why are you guys attacking my fiancé and his servant?"

"Lady Lesly?" The eight persons sound frightened and embarrassed. Then one of them continues, "This girl here is a soldier for the traitor Nillin!"

"She's not!" Lesly insists. "Leave my property immediately. You have no proof that she is a soldier under Nillin. Now leave! It's against the law for trespassing, and if not, soldiers cannot get inside the property of civilians and doing what they want without a warrant."

The same dude in black click his tongue and orders his men to leave for 'now'. He also whispers to Lesly, "I'll get a warrant by tomorrow morning."

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