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Just before Niowei comes running to Alosrin with a child's apology, Alosrin and Nillin we're discussing other matters.

"Today might not go so well," Alosrin averts his eyes while maintaining his indifferent composure.

"Why is that?" Nillin stuffs another sweet into his mouth and gives Nisara one to nibble on.

Alosrin closes his eyes to summon the courage to reveal, "I almost killed Prince Ajax last night."

"W—What?" Nillin swallows quickly and asks, "What happened?"

Alosrin explained the situation and apologizes to both Nillin and Maeve.

"It's honestly okay, Mother. The reason we asked the clone to pretend to be your husband is exactly for this. So it's not your fault that last night happened. If things do go sour during breakfast today, I don't mind dropping the treaty or going to war for you."

A soft expression shortly lives on Alosrin's face before he thanks Nillin for the kind gesture.

Then as they sit in silence, Nillin does a few coughs and asks, "Mother, could you perhaps hear me out about Maeve?"

With a nod from Alosrin, Nillin begins, "Since meeting again, he never really brought up the explosions on the Northwestern Mountains or anything of the sort. Mother has been with him for a while now, could you explain to me why he acts this way?"

"I explained to Maeve that it was Fagolan who exploded that mountain side and that it couldn't have been you who murdered the Enzumins. But I think you should be the one to bring it up if you want to know why he hasn't."

"Thank you for that, but I don't want to defile the good relationship we have now—"

"Is it really good if all you both do is have sex and never talk about your problems?" Alosrin has a smirk to the side.

Nillin looks at the child he's holding and answers in a defeated voice, "I don't want him to ask for a divorce if the conversation goes South."

"Why are you scared that he might ask for a divorce? Did you do something wrong?"

Although Alosrin can already guess the answer, he waits patiently for Nillin's reply; but it never came because Niowei jumps onto his lap and begin begging for forgiveness.

Nillin pulls Maeve to sit beside him while Alosrin soothes his loving daughter.

"Is there anything I can do to make you smile?" Maeve places his palm on Nillin's cheek and comforts him with gentle eyes.

The King quickly chuckles and kisses his wife softly, "Thank you. I'll be fine."

"Maeve, thank you for talking to my daughter," Alosrin offers a sincere smile that even Maeve only see so often.

"Anytime, Mother. I'm glad you trust me to do at least this."

Abruptly after Maeve finished his sentence, there's a knock at the door and Griflet and his niece quickly walk in without acknowledgement.

"So you're here," Girflet has a look around the room but Alosrin already has a scarf wrapping to hide his ears.

The niece raises an eyebrow when she sees Niowei with the silver hair, blue eyes, and pale skin but says nothing.

"Honey, let's go to breakfast," the niece comes over and pulls on Nillin's arm.

Griflet gives Nillin a jarring glare which Nillin doesn't care for but Maeve quickly takes Nisara off Nillin after seeing it.

"Why don't you leave first and the Queen and I follow behind? I would like a private word with him," Alosrin gestures for Nillin to leave with them.

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