The Other Side to Lesly

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A slow walk and each step takes tons of effort to move. The channel that is meant for the travels of air molecules is empty, but the one below it is functioning exhaustively.

The mage climbs the stairs without magic.

"How are you humans so fast?" Each word is like a ball of air, and so no one hears the mage's complaint.

Lexin's eyes never leave mine, he says to Griflet, "Tell me, is he Prince Maeve, the tenth son of King Lozen?"

Griflet nods, "Yes."

Lexin turns to Griflet who stands a little further back from me.

"Do you want to why I added the second condition even when I already have the first one?"

"I don't know and I don't want to know because I don't care," Lesly raises her hand to cover Lexin's mouth. "Okay?"

Lesly is overly sweet. I would've never guess she has this side to her. This unstoppable sassy personality.

Borscht and Kay slide out of the dividers, "Lord Griflet."

"So you two are there." Griflet narrows his brows together, "I need to speak with you two. Let's go Lexin."

"Oh yes. We weren't done talking," Lexin winks and clicks his tongue. "See you later, Prince Maeve."

Then the four men go away.

Carcyne finally make it to the top of the stairs, "Damn it! Where are you guys going now? Whatever, I don't care what you guys talk about anymore. So go ahead and have your walking meeting because I WON'T be following you guys anymore. God! I'm exhausted."

"Who's she again?" Lesly whispers to my ear.

I smile and offer Carcyne a hand, "What were you doing following them around like that?"

"Ah, nothing." She avoids my eyes but takes my hand anyway. Carcyne points at Lesly, "If you love your brother, you should have your brother exorcised immediately."

Lesly covers her mouth with her hand, bites it and hides it behind her. She sucks her lips and looks at me, "Who's she?"

"A mage my grandmother have accompanying me. Her name's Carcyne and I don't know her middle or surname?"

Caria sounds in the distant and Carcyne goes to have a look. Remember, she's not just any ordinary mage, she's a medical mage who can't climb stairs.

Lesly takes my hand and drags us to Caria and Carcyne. We sit across from each other. I think this suppose to mirror something, but I'm just confused at the moment.

I feel awkward to voice anything of my own. This is unfamiliar ground.

"What kind of mage can make someone who was covered in scars and blood the night before and then completely healed the next morning? Tell me Maeve, is this mage of yours god or the devil? Does life not matter?"

My mind freezes. Why is she so serious? Wait. Should I be serious too? Will she gets mad if I don't get as serious as she expects me to?

So I reply with a pretend seriousness, "Of life course matters. Miracle it's a."

"What?" She snaps. Her face squints together and her eyes pop out.

Something inside of me shrinks because of the way she looks at me. My fingers start fidgeting and right leg begins to tap.

"What's wrong? You don't look so good."

A hand reaches for me and the cold chill slithering up and down my spin like a snake on a tree branch lessens. I look to see Caria's soft smile.

"You're too conscious of people," Caria chuckles. "I'm glad you're with child, Lord Maeve. I couldn't say it last night but congrats."

Lesly slowly turns to bring her face to mine. She looks conflicted as to what she wants to say and what she should say.

"'You're with child?'" She repeats Caria.

"You're quite aggressive for someone who's infertile," Carcyne comments. "Have thee no shame for thyself?"

Lesly's attention shifts again.

Now that I am less anxious, I think Lesly grew up too privileged. The way she acts is as if she is the center of attention and she must know everything there is know about.

If I am to compare Lesly to Cassiopeya, I would say Cassiopeya is the toned down version whereas Lesly is also very dependent of Lexin and Cassiopeya is her own person.

Coming to this conclusion, my apparent fear of Lesly dilutes.

"What a servant like you talking about?" Her face aggressively flicks toward me, "You. You take care of your servant."

However, I am confused as to how and why her attitude toward me changed from last night.

"Carcyne's not my servant. S-she... She's an aid sent by my grandmother to accompany me."

"Are you speaking back to me?" Lesly is taken aback. "You are the tenth son of a bandit in the mountains whereas 'I' am the only blood sister of Master Lexin Heinzworth of Asandria."

"And right now you may be the first wife of 'my' Nillin, but I'm his fiancé. Don't think you are any different than your servant when I treated you nicely last night because you seemed important."

Then she gets up and storms down the stairs.

"Wow. What a bitch," I whisper to myself.

Caria and Carcyne exchange looks and then share a laugh together.

"I have never dreamed that I would ever hear the ever august grandson of my Queen whisper the word 'bitch'," Carcyne heaves through her nose as she holds in more laughter.

What she said doesn't bother me at all. As a matter of fact about myself, the only slip up that bothers me is when I rearrange sentences with incorrect grammar.

"Really?" I ask in a condescending tone.

"Yes! When we were still at your grandmother's place? Castle? Lair? Anyway, I heard you were a mischievous saint." Caria smiles like she's confident in what she's saying.

Carcyne also nods along, "Yeah. I heard that too. Didn't think it was true since you're so nice and mature."

Mischievous saint. Nice and mature. Was or am I those things?

"They say you would be nice and mature until a situation end or when you believe no one is around; ergo a mischievous saint."

"Oh," I scratch the back of my head to realize my hair has grown longer than what I usually have it. "I didn't realize that about myself. It's a little embarrassing being pointed out."

"Pfft." Caria lies back onto the bed, "I'm glad you're Prince Nillin first wife instead of Princess Cassiopeya or Lady Lesly or Miss Xielle."

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