The Cool Brother

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I am able to sleep another two hours before Asahi wakes me up again.

Carcyne is too stressed to even help herself getting through the motion, so I can't really rely on her at the moment.

I don't know how to contact Caria-even though she said she'll stay by my side.

As for See and Dee, I just don't know them well enough.

At the end of the day, the only persons I can rely on to solve my problems are the me-now and the me-future.

But time is of the essence because Trieu is getting executed next month, which is a little less than two weeks, thus it's the me-now who can solve my problems.

I calm Asahi, change him, and feed him all before Carcyne even finishes boiling the water for Asahi's and my baths.

Carcyne continues to balance the water temperature for my bath as I dampen a towel in warm water to wipe Asahi.

Once I fully unclothed Asahi, I finally see how small he is. I pretty sure I can scoop him up like water with my hands.

"You look ugly, but you're my ugly," I say because Asahi's skin is red and wrinkly.

Like he understands, he smiles at me with his deep blue eyes shimmer with the light.

"Milord, your bath is ready. Wait!" Carcyne moans in frustration, "Your wounds will take at least two days to fully heal. You can't bathe."

"Then why don't you take a relaxing bath," I suggest. "I'll just wipe myself after I'm done with Asahi."

"No. No. I can't do that."

"Yes you can. I insist," I give her a cheerful smile. She really, really needs to relax and calm herself a little.

Carcyne freezes a little with tearful eyes, "Thank you, Milord."

I give her a nod and she goes to the other side of the screen dividers to take her bath.

Seriously, I need a long bath too.

After wiping Asahi, I look for cloths for diapers and wrapping but can't seem to find any.

"Carcyne," I call. "I'm sorry to bother you, but where can I find Asahi's cloths?"

"Prince Nillin told me he'll prepare them, but now I'm not so sure," she stands up. "I used the roll Milord bought yesterday in town. I'll get it for you."

"It's fine. I'll get it," I call back.

Time goes by from this point to breakfast and now it's late morning.

(Nillin did not partake in breakfast.)

"Is there anyway I can talk with Trieu?" I ask Carcyne after the maids take the plates away.

"Any time Milord," she answers me.

"Then I will like to talk with him right now."

She stares at me a little before leading Asahi and I the way.

Somehow, deep down, I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Like my heart would sink-that feeling.

Down a series of stairs and halls, the floor is now dirt, I see iron bars on both the left and right.

I cling onto my son and continue onward; and as I pass each cell, I see hungry bodies.

Carcyne stops and turns around to face me, "Prince Trieu is in this cell."

She gestures to her left.

"Open it up for me, please," I ask. See and Dee from behind me opens it for me.

I walk inside the cell with Asahi, and chills creep against my skin gouging and trying to penetrate inside of me.

There are fresh blood on the floor and on the walls; and before me is Trieu all chained up.

Tears escape my eyes before I even finish my thought, "Trieu, I'm so sorry."

My hand touches his face and he feels cold.

"Trieu, I'm so sorry, but I need your help," I say with a knotted throat. "Please talk to me."

"There is one thing more important than Family," Trieu begins. "And that is not Opportunity; or Love; or 'What is Right'. Mae, it is 'Who I am.'"

"It is proving the whole world who you are and what you stand for," Trieu looks up to meet my glaze. "I figured that out when Fagolan demanded that 'I' kneel before him."

"I was never really good at philosophy like you are; but as a big brother who will die in twelve days, that is my last advice for you."

I close the distance between us and hug Trieu.

His body is really cold.

"I won't let you die," I mutter. "As long as I am here, I will never you die on anyone's terms."

Trieu chuckles weakly in my embrace, "My silly little brother. There is nothing you can do. I pity both you and your son."

"Yes I can! Just tell me what happened." I let him go and stare into his hazel souls, "Why did Borrus attack Sam?"

"Mae. That doesn't matter anymore." Trieu clenches his fists causing his chains to rattle.

"Try me."

He sighs but continues, "Fagolan and I met up after the two hours were up. He got Asahi myrrh, frankincense, and a gold ring decorated by a blue ruby. I, on the other hand, was empty handed."

"He declared himself as superior to me, but then I said I offer myself as my gift. I shall remember the child and spread his story with his descendants for thousand of years to come."

"I didn't say the crap you said about already being a family and stuff. Instead, I said that the best gift that last a lifetime is to be remembered for a long time, even when one is long gone."

Trieu stops and I shake his shoulder, "So, what happen next?"

"I won," he doesn't look happy. "But then, I'm not sure Fagolan told his soldiers to do it or not, but the Aarthians, particularly the ones in Fagolan's command, begin bad mouthing you."

"Me?" I gasp, "Why should that cause Borrus to attack an Aarthian?"

He rolls his eyes.

"You may not see yourself that highly, but we all love you very much, Mae. You're our family and family have to protect each other just as what you're trying to do for me right now," Trieu's voice gradually becomes quite.

I can't say anything else either. I feel horrible.

"All this is useless information, Mae. You can't do anything about this because you're no longer holding cards. I'm also out of cards to play."

I hate this. Why can't I help my brother? He's right. I don't have anymore cards to play.

It's like I'm drowning and there's no bottom, but I'm too far down to reach the surface ever again.

"Then what should or can I do?" I avert from his glaze.

"Nothing. 'That' was my choice. Yours is to hold out as long as you can; and when you can no longer, return to father and mother. It's for you to decide because it's not really about my death, but your marriage that is causing you the most pain."

Trieu gives me a gentle smile like he's giving me his farewell.

I still want to yell at him for always purposely getting on people's bad side; or being aloof when asking for my advice yet he can develop his own answers so well.

But my tongue refuses to be the match that will burn this good bond I have with my brother.

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