21 Years of Truth

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In the previous room with the drawn out translucent white curtains, only Griflet and Lexin dare sit while before me.

Although I try to see into their truths and lies, I can't. It is as if their poker faces are masks as thick as mud walls.

Either that or I'm just not really myself at the moment. I'm probably seeing things.

"Did Prince Nillin know who I was?" I start out with a stern face toward Griflet who has been with Nillin all these time.

Griflet shrugs his shoulders, "I'm... I don't know. If he walked through the front doors of Master Sihipe, then maybe."

That's not the answer I want. No not at all.

I also believe that Griflet will never tell me anything concerning this topic. I turn to Lexin, "What is there in Enzumin that Prince Niltiocles must have for himself?"

"Do you notice the jewelries like armor worn by your mother in the paintings?" I nod and so Lexin continues, "She's wearing the world's strongest metal, Dawerilium. It is said to be able to penetrate even diamonds and nothing can leave a scratch on it other than dark magic."

My mind goes blink, but it slowly making sense. The armory is weird. I couldn't tell if it is gold or silver colored.

"How did this metal occur?" Dawerilium, I feel like I have heard it somewhere or some time before.

Lexin holds in a laughter, "I would like to know as well."

"Does Prince Nillin have a lot of it?" I know I'm asking the right questions because Lexin looks like he is kind of reluctant to respond. Even though he did say he'll answer any question I have to the best of his ability.

Griflet places a hand on Lexin's shoulder and answers in his stead, "We don't know."

Only now did I realize how dark Griflet's face have become. His poker face is useless.

Lexin shakes his head, "Prince Nillin had one thirds of all the metal left in Enzumin, the Northwestern High Elves's castle, and now Lord Maeve has inherited the other two thirds from Master Sihipe."

I have click my tongue without realizing it. I knew Nillin was smart. He killed two birds with one stone.

He's probably not marrying Cassiopeya either. He's a lot smarter than following her around.

At least I hope he is... It's not like he'll ever see me in that way without my family glaring at his back.

Although I think I don't want to share his dick with anyone. The thought of sharing such a thing sounds unsanitary.

Yes. That shall be my excuse for myself. Please forgive me other self.

"Prince Maeve," Lexin catches my attention. "I would like to talk with you about our next goals, if your anger toward Prince Nillin has died down."

"Oh, it's still boiling hot, but go on." I seems to have pull a laughter out of Caria, Carcyne and Borscht. Kay has always been a little serious.

"Prince Maeve," Lexin's face is full of seriousness. "What are Prince Nillin's goals after getting his throne back?"

Why is Lexin asking me this? Nillin don't even care about me, much less talking to me about his goals!

I mean he just left me without a single word after my grandmother gave him a thumb up.

And my current goal is to help him to reclaim his throne. I don't know what happens next!

"I really don't know, Master Lexin." I avert my eyes away and I admit, "Prince Nillin and my relationship isn't like that in any way or form."

"Oh," Lexin's eyes slowly gravitate toward Griflet who awkwardly smile while scratching the back of his head.

Then they both immediately glare at my very flat stomach. "This child doesn't prove that Prince Nillin and I have a decent relationship."

Lexin informs me, "I suggest we stay here until the messenger I sent to Prince Nillin returns. We are going to regroup with Prince Nillin before choosing a headquarter."

"It's also less and less safe for Prince Maeve and the unborn child to travel," Lexin adds at the end. "I know you're the boss, but I-no, we would like for Prince Maeve to be rational and consider why we subjects are here for. Use us so that you can focus on the child."

The child. It's always the child. Will I forever just be a 'wife'?

Nevertheless, I can't really argue because I know any decision I make from here and forward will be consider as 'baby hormones talk'.

I know Lexin and Caria will treat my words like before, but the others won't.

And so after a week, the messenger returns. Prince Nillin says to wait for his return before furthering any plans.

Price Nillin is very ambitious; but I wonder if he is going to keep the promise he made to me even when he doesn't know that I know he is my rich boy?

However, I want to support him in whatever he does... I hope he know that.

"Inajor," Master Sihipe calls for my attention as I face the gates down below on a balcony alone. "What is it that makes you sad?"

I feel my cheeks that are a little sore from frowning. "It's nothing. Thank you for your concerns, Master Sihipe."

He steps closer to me and sighs.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask with a tiny hint of annoyance and confusion.

"You look just like your mother when I told her I was an Aarthian spy on a mission." He pauses the continuation for a long time like a cliffhanger.

Every time I part my lips to ask for the continuation, he would too but nothing comes out of his throat. His tongue doesn't know how to flip and roll and stretch and do normal things. It's like he's mute.

"Yes, my loyalty did waver. That was how I allowed myself to fall in love and started a family." He must've been asked by different forms of the same question endlessly.

"I thought the plan was over when Prince Niltiocles died," his eyes burn red. "She would rather die with her people than spent the rest of her life with us. So every time I saw you, I could only see her rejecting me... I can't even feel sorry for leaving you with a woman half dead on the street with a bag of money because of how well you turned out-"

"I hated her. When I learn she wasn't my birth mother, I was secretly happy like something that has been weighing me down has lifted." I turn to him and I know tears are also falling out of my eyes. "You should've killed me instead of leaving me with her!"

I want to say more. I want to tell him about how she sold me to anyone with money. How I was able to run away from her because Prince Nillin helped me. How the kind Dragons adopted and loved me like their own.

My tongue is squashed by the heaven under the breath giver and caged in by earthly white blocks of wet stones. Only tears communicate the pain I have felt throughout all my life.

He doesn't run away like how he has always done. His arms wraps around my shoulders and rubs my back.

"I'm sorry that you're sad and angry at this old man who still can't apologize for leaving you behind because you ended up here. If you stayed with me, we may not even be here because I couldn't even take of myself no matter how much money I have in the world."

"Why can't you apologize for leaving me, father? Didn't you want to see me grow up? And marry me away or marry a girl to me?" I also wrap myself around him and cry.

He couldn't answer me so we stay crying for a while releasing the stress we both have built up for the past twenty-one years.

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