A Son

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Arabret returns to his room with Juafasi and Artemis sleeping soundlessly on his bed.

He stares at them until he decides to snuggle in with them.

"I'm sorry, Jaufasi," Arabret whimpers quietly behind the little dragon's back.

"You must be Arabret," Artemis's deep voice immediately alarms the young prince who digs into Jaufasi's back to hide. "It's okay, I'm Jaufasi's father."

Arabret stays silent and pretends to be sleeping soundly.

So Artemis continues, "Where's the person who brought you here? ... In a way, I might had promised him that I'll let him go but it seems I keep on making the same mistakes. Jaufasi and I are here to take him home."

"I won't tell you," Arabret wipes away the tears from his cheeks.

"We can't take you with us."

"And why not? I don't want to be here either," Arabret crawls out of the bed and stands beside Artemis who still rest on the bed with Jaufasi. "I'll tell you where mom is, if you promise to take me too."

Artemis gets up to kneel before the child, places his palm gently against the small forehead, and chants a magic spell.

Once he's done, Arabret asks, "Why did you do that for?"

"Nothing. Thank you for cherishing him as much as we do, but I still can't take you with us," Artemis picks the boy back to bed and approaches the glowing eyes from the balcony.

There, Da'an Ryul's face is brightly lit by the moonlight. He gestures for Artemis to come out, "Does His Majesty remember this humble mortal?"

"I don't have that terrible of a memory," Artemis narrows his brows and closes the curtains and doors with every steps outside to the balcony.

"When I smelt your scent on that dying fairy, I knew he was your rumored partner. Can't believe your taste changed so dramatically from the elegant elven scholar to an assassin hybrid. I couldn't compete with Alosrin, but I'm definitely better than that half assed fairy."

"Lift the spell you put on that child and leave his country alone," Artemis pops his joints causally.

"But it's funny," Da'an Ryul takes a step closer toward Artemis with a malicious smirk across his face.

Then Artemis pushes Da'an Ryul a step back with every forward step he takes, "You're not a child anymore. Don't take your anger out on that small child. If you can't aim your frustration and anger at your father than you should've aimed it at me."

Da'an Ryul glares at the dragon with fiery rage, but says nothing.

"Now undo the spell you cast on him," Artemis crosses his arms firmly, demanding what he asked to be done with no excuses or exceptions.

"And what if I don't want to?"

"I don't think you want the answer to that," Artemis leans in on the young mortal. "Do it now, Da'an."

He lifts his fingers slowly before rapidly slashing them into Artemis's arms, but nothing happens.

With another swift move, Artemis immobilizes Da'an Ryul with a hand choking him at his throat.

"W—Why did He forbid my love when h—he planned to abandon me?" Da'an Ryul tries fruitless to unclench the dragon claws at his throat while searching for another breath of air.

Artemis lets go and Da'an Ryul spews out what he had for dinner while he forces in large capacity of air.

It takes a while until Da'an Ryul stops gasping, but then he returns to his arrogant ways, "Leave my palace. I don't ever want to see your face again."

"I actually plans to as soon as you tell me what happened to Juda and where your father keeps him," Artemis puts on a rigid expression that's filled with sadness when he kneels before the mortal.

Da'an Ryul looks up and his anger turns bitter green, "Like I'll tell you shit. I don't fucking care if you kill me along with this entire dying kingdom. Do it and see if I'll care."

Artemis feels pity when he sees Da'an Ryul struggles to keep his faith.

"I'm sorry that I can't return your feelings whether your father agreed or not... Now all of this—all of this isn't you at all Da'an. Don't be envious of others because you're a strong and bright boy, you lack nothing."

"Then how come you don't even dare to see my way? How do you know you can't return my feelings when you haven't even tried?" Da'an breathes out a simple reverse spell when he stands up to leave.

"Thank you."

"Shut up and leave my palace. Don't ever show your face in front of me again," Da'an Ryul walks away while chewing on the dead skins of his dry lips and squeezing balled fists.

Artemis sighs in empathy because he too chased after the one he loves, however at the end he foolishly let his lover go.

When Artemis returns, he sees the two small children sleep together on the bed. He returns to his spot earlier and also rests his eyes.

Then morning comes when Artemis is awakened by a loud slap against his muscular back.

"Why the fuck are you still here when I kicked you out last night?" Da'an Ryul sighs loudly and gestures for the maids to take care of Arabret.

And immediately he notices another little boy who has Artemis's ebony silk-like hair and unconsciously reaches a hand to check who it is.

"What are you trying at?" Artemis pushes Da'an Ryul's hand back to himself.

The Regent rolls his eyes and gives at loud cough for his maids when they stare at the giant and another little boy on Arabret's bed.

"This is going to be your last warning," he stares at the dragon's large back. "Leave and never show your face in front of me again."

"Arabret!" Jaufasi wakes up when the maids begin to take Arabret away.

"Jaufasi!" Arabret moves in to embrace his little brother. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I couldn't do anything to help mom."

"What do you mean? Mommy is with us," Jaufasi grabs his fish and points to his heart.

Da'an Ryul interrupts them with an angry voice, "Prince Arabret, we don't have time to talk with annoying people. Get ready to eat breakfast with your guests."

"Regent, please respect my brother and his father. They're also my guests," Arabret purses his lips and squints at the Regent.

"So this is your son?" Da'an Ryul glances back and forth between Artemis and Jaufasi. "Don't tell me that worthless fairy is the mother."

Arabret holds his tongue not wanting to get yelled at after correcting the Regent to not call Juda a worthless fairy or anything along those lines.

Da'an Ryul smiles slightly and picks Jaufasi up, "Then I'll make you my son."

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