Artemis Returns

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When Jaufasi is running away from his problems, he bumps into the Regent who is evaluating matters with someone of great importance.

"Why is there a child running around freely?" The important person raises his voice and instructs someone to take the little boy away.

The little boy bursts out crying until Alosrin comes to his rescue, "Accept my apology. He's with me."

The important guest gasps and turns to Da'an Ryul, "A beauty as stunning as the Queen of Aarth!"

"Yes," Da'an Ryul replies with smugness.

"Where did you find such exotic beauty? Even men of common births want to be like King Nillin," the important guest does not try to whisper. "Which small tribe was the Aarthian Queen from again?"

Alosrin cringes at their mortal exchange, but reminds himself that he must show by example and be nice to arrogant mortals.

"You're making my lovely guest uncomfortable, Lord Hins," the Regent gives the guest a strong glare.

"Was I, my Regent?" Hins pretends to be surprised. "A beauty such as her must've experienced flattering before. I couldn't have made her uncomfortable. Look at her, her cheeks are not even flushed because she's so used to it."

"Are you used to it?" Da'an Ryul gestures to Alosrin.

"My greatest apology. I am simply too stunned by the flattering that I am not used to," Alosrin tries to act shy, knowing that this person is of great deal to the Regent. He is trying to be nice.

"Such a cute behavior," Hins remarks. "My Regent, if she is not yours, I must certainly have her."

Da'an Ryul steps away from Hins and hides his secret treasure, "My apology, Lord Hins. It is not that I do not want this beauty, I am simply still trying to win the heart. Allow me to introduce you to some of my favorite concubines."

"I'm glad you still remember the person who put you on your throne," Hins smirks condescendingly. "It's alright. I'll let you have this one. It does seem that she plays hard to get."

"I'll have someone show you the way," Da'an Ryul calls for a guard.

And as Hins walked away to the harem, he couldn't help himself checking Alosrin from sole to crown a couple of times.

Da'an Ryul heaves a heavy sigh, "I seriously thought you were going to use your sharp tongue. Since you didn't, thank you."

"It wasn't something I would like to waste my time on," Alosrin replies and turns to depart.

"Wait." The Regent snatches Alosrin's hand. "I would like to thank you."

The Regent slips a ring onto Alosrin's finger, "It's a magic ring that'll hide your long ears. Now you don't have to constantly wear a scarf to cover them."

"Thank you," Alosrin is taken aback and slightly smiles.

"You're welcome. Anyway, where are Prince Arabret and Princess Yllathanise? Let's have lunch together," Da'an Ryul smiles and returns Alosrin's hand.

"Lunch!" The little boy who was recently crying his eyes out is now smiling eagerly without a care in the world.

Alosrin agrees to having lunch, and together they go to find Niowei and Arabret.

The two older children are weary of the Regent and try to protect Alosrin from all sides while they're enjoying lunch outdoors.

It only until Niowei is playing with her food that she notices something different about her mother, "Mommy! Your ears are gone!"

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