The Many Worries Behind a Smile

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Nillin marks the reaction as a joke, so he leans forward and kisses Nisara's soft cheek that doesn't smell like medicine.

"Hey," Maeve shakes his head angrily after Nisara wakes up and grabs Nillin's nose.

"Mama," the baby calls out.

"Yes?" Maeve answers sweetly.

"How come you don't answer me that way?" Nillin climbs onto the bed with his shoes on again.

Maeve picks Nisara up to feed him again since they missed lunch and also takes Nillin's shoes off for him.

"Sometimes I think you're old and other times I see you like a child barely older than our son," Maeve mumbles softly with a teasing tone.

Nillin pinches Nisara's cheek and hangs his massive body over Maeve from behind.

"I just wanted to be loved by your mother like you are," Nillin sighs and looks for a reaction on Maeve's face.

"Come one, you're heavy," Maeve taps on Nillin's face.

"Do you like me?" Nillin pulls on Maeve's waist to land on him.

"What's wrong with you?" Maeve laughs as he turns to face Nillin. "Of course I like you, else why did I make a child with you?"

"Want to make another one?" He kisses the back of Maeve's neck.

Nisara laughs and blows a raspberry kiss on Maeve's breast.

"See what you make him do?" Maeve acts shocked but he knows it a habit he taught Nisara himself.

But Nillin also starts blowing raspberries on Maeve's skin as well.

The baby gurgles and competes in a raspberry kiss race against his father.

Maeve pins Nillin down and kisses him on the lips to stop the competition.

"Ah!" Nisara screams victoriously and climbs onto Nillin's chest.

"Yes!" Nillin also cheer in the spirit. "Have you been practicing?"

The baby nods accidentally and starts talking in rubbish.

"I see. You have more practice done than I have all my life," Nillin nods along. "Mind teaching me your secret? Oh, just do it everyday? I think I can do that."

Maeve covers his face in embarrassment while listening to their conversation.

"Mama!" The boy pulls on Maeve's hands for not listening to his conversation.

"Is it that cringeworthy?" Nillin chuckles as he savor the moment.

"It is," Maeve reveals his face again and smiles at Nisara. "I pray you both change the subject."

"Why? I want to race with my son over something he'll definitely win at," Nillin leans to his left to smell Maeve's hair.

Nisara pouts and crawls back to his mother to eat some more.

Nillin stares at the mundane act and is mesmerized in it as if it's a miracle.

Maeve raises a hand and covers Nillin's eyes, "Don't look at us like that. It makes me nervous doing something I've done everyday for a year."

"But it's so beautiful," Nillin removes Maeve's hand and kisses it. "I see that the ring is back on."

The dark skinned man pulls his hand back and makes a very sad face.

"I'm sorry, is it me again? I want you to know that it hurts when I see you make a face like this."

"It hurts me more seeing that you care so much?" Maeve quickly wipes away the devious tears that fell without his consent.

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