Prince Niltiocles

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Just slightly outside of the library, I can hear Niowei begs her mother, "Can we go see daddy? I want to see daddy."

"No. We're going to find a way to help your grandmother."

"Okay," the little girl answers sadly. "Then can we go see daddy afterwards?"

"No. We'll have to make lunch—"

"Then after lunch?"

"No. We'll have to bathe your grandmother and right after that it's dinner, and then it's time to go to sleep."

"But you said I can see daddy once I'm twenty years old. I'm technically over twenty already."

Alosrin sighs softly, "Well go see daddy now and then you can't complain about the schedule I made."

"Okay! I love you mommy!"

Niowei runs to a distance with her little feet and Alosrin shouts after her, "Slow down. Mommy is tired and old."

And all the while I am just puzzled.

Is Prince Niltiocles not dead? Did Alosrin kidnapped him? Or am I just misunderstanding the whole situation?

Maybe they have a painting of Prince Niltiocles somewhere and that's what Niowei is referring to.

Then why does Niowei acts like she has never seen her father?

I think it's better if I just stop thinking about this.

Asahi and I return inside the library and pick out some books.

But we spend the rest of our morning just making faces at each other with short naps here and there.

"Asahi!" Niowei squeaks as soon as she sees her nephew.

I turn to see her holding onto the pants of Alosrin's with his straight posture carrying another tray of food.

"Come on. Let's have lunch together with mother," Alosrin gestures his head toward Grabdmama's side of the library.

I take Asahi, pick up the books and my shawl that I keep using as a blanket, and follow Alosrin and Niowei.

Alosrin places a bowl and spoon by Grandmama and has me take the rest to the table behind him.

"Mother. Mother. Wake up. It's lunch time," he gently shakes Grandmama's shoulders.

The elderly woman slowly opens her eyes and Alosrin helps her sit up.

"It's lunch time already?" Grandmama sounds sleepily.

"Good afternoons Grandmama," I greet her from my distance, but she only smiles at me for a split second before refocusing her attention to Alosrin.

I want to help take care of Grandmama too, but I don't know what I can do when Alosrin knows where everything is and Grandmama refuses me.

"Did you get to see your daddy?" I whisper to Niowei.

She nods and whisper back, "Yup. I finally get to see him. He's super handsome. But don't be so loud. Mommy's still mad at daddy."

I place a hand over my mouth and nod sarcastically at her.

"Ugh. I hate strawberries but mommy always put them in my salads," Niowei smirks sadly as she looks at her plate.

"But they're so good," I give Asahi one and eat one myself.

"Ew," she gags a little. "How can Asahi and you eat it? The seeds feel grainy in my mouth."

I chuckle and she points me out immediately with a sad tone, "Don't laugh. I can eat anything else mommy give me. Just not strawberries."

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