To the Capital of Aarth

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"Trieu!" I cry.

Nillin turns around slowly with Trieu's blood on his face and clothes.

"You monster!" I curse. "H—how can you murder my brother?"

"Monster?" Nillin drops the sword and head, and walks toward Asahi and I.

"Monster?" He repeats himself. "Me, a monster? This thing is more of a monster, just look at it! But the real monster here is YOU!"

He smears the warm blood on my face sloppily, "You're leaving me even though you're carrying my second child?"

"Your second child?" I reply without hesitation unlike usual. "How can this child be your second child when you denied Asahi! Oh... Perhaps Miss Xielle is already conceiving your child?"

(Of course, we both know Lexin's body is of a man and therefore can't be pregnanable.)

Nillin's face dictates the epitome of wrath.

"Since you're not being sweet and waiting for me," Nillin wipes my angry tears. "I request that you stay with me until the second child is born, then you can leave by yourself."

"You killed my brother before due time, what kind of pitiful story do you have left to manipulate me with?"

It is a back and forth bickering for some time even after Asahi cries and screams at the top of his lungs.

"It's okay. Mommy's here, we'll leave 'this' monster soon, I promise."

"Give me the child!" Nillin tries to take my son away but I evade him to only find that running away as he chases us is the subsequent event.

I hold Asahi's small premature body close to me running like our lives depend on it.

"I thought you didn't want this child since it's not yours!" I shout out loudly. I don't care who hear me now.

Due to last night, my legs are still weak and he catches me after a while.

"It's okay, honey—And let go of us, you fucking monster!" I soothe Asahi and tries to get Nillin off of me simultaneously.

"Stop refusing. It's not good for either of the children," Nillin angrily mumbles as he tries to keep me still.

"They're not yours! Especially Asahi!"

"Stop spouting nonsense. I know you won't have anyone else's children other than mine," his words are getting more and more painful to listen to.

Tears escape my control again, "If you know, then why? Will I only satisfy you if I die?"

"Why did you marry me if you're not even attracted to me; or care about my family's help; or ever plan to claim the children when it's between them and 'her'? Why are you forcing me to stay when you don't plan on respecting or building a family with me? Why? Why?"

I fall into his embrace this time not because love or lust, but because I give up.

"Have you ever took the time to count how many times you emotionally abused me?" I whisper weakly.

Although I wasn't expecting an answer, he gives me one, "Yes. I have, and even if I apologize every single time, I will do it again."

I really despise this side of him.

"If you want heirs so badly, go impregnate a princess, a noble lady, or a girl on the streets," My tears are finally stopping. "They don't have to be my children, do they?"

"Cassiopeya and I aren't like that. Lesly is engaged to my cousin, and Miss Xielle doesn't have her body anymore."

"I didn't mean them," I sniff the last drops of my tears back into my eyes. "There are tons of princesses in the world, and noble ladies, and normal girls, oh and even prostitutes. Knock one of them up. You're going to be a powerful King in less than four days."

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