A Little Dragon

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The dwarf from earlier watches the situation from afar as he knows it doesn't matter if he keeps this secret.

The world is going to know that the little dragon's fur is strawberry blond that will soon be scales of a mighty mountain.

"Why don't you take a break and come back after lunch?" The boss still can't take his eyes off the vibrant color.

Juda wraps the little dragon up like it's a shame he must cover up.

He hides in the alleyway of somewhere until the little dragon has calmed down and returns to be a little boy.

Then he finds food for the child who wanted things Juda couldn't afford.

"Mommy, I want to eat there!" He points to a grand building with tall arched windows, made of cut stones and painted wood, and young gentlemen opening doors for their customers.

Juda bites his tongue and drags the child along for a simple food stand.

The boy takes a bite of the simple meal and smiles, "It's so good, mommy! I want this everyday."

"Okay," is all Juda can afford to answer.

He begins to remember about how much dragons eat and drink, and concludes that sooner or later he will need to send the boy to his father.

"Here, eat this," Juda offers his after the boy finished his meal portion. "Do you want more?"

"Yes please!" The boy happily eats the food Juda nibbled on.

Juda goes to buy more food and comes back to see the little boy hugging his scraped knees and crying over his food lying on the ground.

"Mommy!" The little boy runs toward Juda with flushed and wet cheeks.

He hugs the fairy's leg, wanting to he held but never got that comfort.

Juda bends down and chants a magical spell to heal the scraped knees, and offers the child more food.

The little boy clings onto Juda and wouldn't eat unless Juda feeds him.

The fairy is uncomfortable with his new situation because he was never comforted, so he is unsure if a child ought to need so much comforting.

After all, when he was young, Niusin would constantly sent him to different locations to learn many different things and often alone.

When he scraped his knees, he lived with it.

When he dropped his food, he lived with it.

No one was there to comfort his childhood.

"I need to go back to work," Juda says as he finishes up feeding the little boy.

"Okay!" The little boy continues to cling onto Juda because he learns that his mother does care for him if he acts a little spoiled.

Juda carries the boy on his hip and they return to the docks.

"You're back!" The boss immediately notices them. "How's my tough little boy, huh?"

The little boy stares at the boss oddly until he finds it uncomfortable and then hides in Juda's embrace.

"I'm sorry about the inconvenience we had caused—"

"It's completely fine. I get to see a baby dragon and that's all that mattered. Why don't you teach the boy that is replacing your job? He's been behind since yesterday morning."

"Yes, sir." Juda answers and follows the boss to his old position.

The boss introduces Juda to the new accountant, and leaves right after.

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