A Series of Unexpected Events Part I

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It's shortly after the afternoon rush and the inn they chose is relaxed with only a few customers around.

Yet the small tables were all occupied with lonely souls; so Aguano, Alosrin, and Niowei sit at a large table and wait for their orders.

"This is going to be my first time eating Kalorian food," Aguano pops his knuckles, ready to judge the food of his enemies.

"Me too!" Niowei claps her hands in a similar excitement.

When a waitress brings their food to the table, the large family from earlier enters the inn.

The head of the family is greeted by the host and the waitress who is the host's daughter.

"It's my betrothed," the little boy instantly recognizes Niowei.

"Hi," Niowei waves her hand. "We meet again."

The little boy nods and pretends to stand prestigiously next to his father and mother.

The host embraces his old friend and leads the large family to the largest table at the corner across the room from Niowei and her group.

The waitress blushes softly when her father introduces her and asks her to get her mother from the kitchen.

"To think we end up where they are as well," Aguano forms a small ball with the sticky rices and dips it in a soup before eating it. "Delicious! Princess, try it."

Niowei nods and tastes the food before her. Once the food lands in her mouth, she turns to her mother, "It's so good! The flavors are punching me."

"Punching you?" Alosrin raises an eyebrow and chuckles at Niowei's choices of words.

"Yes! That's the phrase I was looking for. The flavors are like elegant punches," Aguano expands on Niowei's analogy.

Alosrin laughs again and decides to taste the food for himself, "Very good."

"'Very good'? Don't you have more to describe such delicious and awesome food?" Aguano shakes his head in disappointment.

"What more do you want from me? The food is very good. I'm agreeing, am I not?" Alosrin laughs.

"Mommy?" Niowei makes a tearful face, "My mouth is burning."

"It's okay. Here. Drink some water," Alosrin gives his daughter a cup of water.

Aguano slams the table with a flushed down to his neck, "I think she ate that yellow dish by accident. Wooh! It's spicy."

"Drink some water," Alosrin hands his cup to Aguano while making sure Niowei doesn't choke herself.

The waitress rushes over with a large jug of water and a distressed expression, "Sorry, I must've forgot to mention that Kalorian dishes are mostly very spicy."

"Give me that," Aguano snatches the jug from the waitress and pours some water for Niowei before chugging the rest.

Niowei shakes her head, "It's not helping, mommy."

"Let me bring some honey for them," the waitress runs back into the kitchen.

"Mommy, help me," Niowei begins crying and hugs her mother.

The waitress returns with two spoonfuls of honey for Aguano and Niowei to suck on.

"Could you remove all the spicy dishes?" Alosrin asks her. "We'll still pay for them, of course."

"It's on the house," the host comes over and pats his daughter's head. "We're terribly sorry about this."

"No, things like this can happen at any time and to anyone," Alosrin replies. "We are already grateful for the good hospitality, please allow us to at least pay for the food we can eat."

"Yes. Thank you good customer," the host extends the offer with a wishful grin but Aguano refuses for them.

And when the host and waitress return to entertain the other customers and old friends, Alosrin asks, "Where should we stay then?"

"Jin is here as the Aarthian Ambassador, we can stay with him," Aguano answers with an overfatigued expression.

"Mommy, they look funny?" Niowei giggles and points to a group of Kalorian soldiers kissing the window that is next to their table.

The soldiers gather themselves and walk around to enter the inn.

"What do you think they want?" Alosrin raises a rhetorical question as he already assumed the Kalorian soldiers aren't happy that he brides their way into the capital city.

Aguano shakes his head, "Even when you two cover up your identities, it seems your presences alone stir up chaos."

"We only want to be normal people," Alosrin acknowledges the sentiment with a sigh.

Just after the soldiers enter the inn, the host quickly greets them with much anxiety, "What can I do for you today, young soldiers?"

"We apologize if we have disturbed the peace, but we must carry out the order of the Regent," the soldier who appears to be most senior answers and lead his followers to Alosrin, Niowei, and Aguano.

The host intervenes, "Good sirs, these are my good customers. I cannot allow you to disturb them while in my care even if—"

Aguano draws his sword and defends his King's stepmother and half sister.

The soldiers drop their weapons and knees which drops the jaws of all that witness the occasion.

"We apologize for not training our soldiers well enough at the gate when we've been expecting your arrival for quite some time now, Alosrin of the Enzumin Ninety-Nine Scholars and your daughter, Princess Yllathanise."

The title of princess is thrown around the building with awe on the faces of all that spread it.

However, the name that strikes Alosrin at his core is 'Alosrin of the Enzumin Ninety-Nine Scholars' as he did not anticipate mortals to know of his heritage.

"Damn. I'm a side character," Aguano mumbles to himself in dissatisfaction.

"Please allow us to escort you to the palace. Everyone has been eagerly awaiting your arrival, especially the Regent," the senior soldier lowers his head to touch the floor, desperately pleading as his family and life is on the line.

Not wanting to draw anymore attention, Alosrin agrees to go with them.

"Thank you. The horse carriage is outside waiting for you," the soldiers stand and create a pass for their important escorts.

Alosrin reaches into his pocket, takes out two gold coins, and places them onto the table they were at.

"I cannot—"

"We have disturbed your peace and business. Please accept it as a token of our appreciation for your nonjudgmental hospitality."

Aguano also digs into his pocket and gives the host a few copper coins, "That's my share. I'm important as well."

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