The Run Away Soldiers

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I elbow the Young Master hard, "No. I'll take the three kilograms."

The shopkeeper suddenly wears a dead face, "Young lady. You shouldn't do that, he is 'the' Young Master. Just accept his kindness."

I can see the Young Master grinning without look at him.

"I'll buy my three kilograms," I offer the last of my Nuon on me.

The servant also offer five Nuons to the shopkeeper, and he accepts the servant's rather than mine.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to owe you anything," I hold in my anger.

"I do it because I want to," the Young Master smiles charmingly still.

Maeve. Don't punch him. Don't punch him. Put your money where your mouth is.

"Alright. Thank you, Young Master," I force a grateful nod.

He pulls my shoulder in for a side hug while the shopkeeper nervously bags the ten kilograms flour.

When the shopkeeper finishes, I reach for the bag but the Young Masters pushes my hands away and takes the bag instead.

"I'll help take it to your house for you," he winks at me with a brilliant white smile.

"It's a little far so if you don't mind, be my guest," I casually shrug my shoulders.

The Young Master blushes, "I think it's a little early for me to be a guest at your house, but how can I refuse the advances of such a lovely lady? Of course I'll be your guest!"

I open my mouth to tell him that's not what I meant, but I shut it back up.

Then we reach the edge of the town where the road gets smaller as it makes its way to my house and beyond, sits a group of men in need of medical attentions.

I stop to speak with them while the Young Master tugs at my shoulder telling me to not get involved with the group of men.

Ignoring him, I approach them still, "What happened to you guys?"

Their eyes brighten up like they have realized who I am.

"We are run away soldiers, my lady," the one with less bandages answers me. "From the battle at the foot of the Royal-in-Laws. The one with two giant explosions that made our nation at the edge of poverty and hunger."

"How about you all come to my house and eat a meal, then we can spend the evening talking about what happened?" I offer a hand.

He turns to the others who are also surprised, but when they see the Young Master standing behind me, their faces sadden.

"Don't mind him. He's also a guest like the rest of you guys," I wear a sincere smile with my hand still extended.

Then to me he says, "My brothers will go first. We have a brother who has been taking care of us seeking his lost jewel in town. He'll worry when he doesn't see us, so I'll wait here for him then we'll come."

We all go back to my place with the exception of the soldier with less bandages.

When we arrive, I start with giving them water and introduce Asahi and Grandmama to them.

And while they're conversing, I make flatbreads with the flour the Young Master bought. Place them in the oven before going to the gardens to gather greens and roots for the meal.

I also kill six young and healthy chickens since there will be about fifteen of us.

"Let me help you cook," the Young Master enters the kitchen after I get back.

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