Return to Thempolis

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"Good morning," Borscht wakes up beside Niowei but he first noticed the exhausted figure beside the bed.

"Sorry, I told him you're pregnant with his child. I can't stand being in the middle of their contest anymore," Alosrin says something to avoid talking about what kept him up all night.

Borscht parts his lips to shout but simply nods away, "It's okay. It must be exhausting. I would've sold myself out a lot sooner if I were you."

"Let's leave before they wake up," Alosrin picks the sleeping child from the bed.

"Did something happen?" Borscht asks with a worried tone. "Why are you so scared?"

The elf winces away, making a painful expression, "I know you're worried, but please don't ask anything. I'm a horrible person."

Alosrin is already at the door by the time Borscht stands up, carries his heavy armor on his back, and writes the village chief's a letter of thanks.

They slowly creep down the hall to the door, but Ajax, Niltiocles, and the four soldiers are there waiting for them.

"Good morning," Ajax sighs disappointedly.

"Yes. Good morning," Alosrin stops and curses himself.

When Ajax steps toward them, Borscht intersects him, "Let him be at peace for a while. You both have done enough damage to him."

After saying that, Borscht drags Alosrin and Niowei along, walking on the road to the West for Kalor.

And the others follow closely behind, unsure of how to integrate themselves with the group ahead.

"So you made him cry last night?" Ajax eases into a conversation casually.

Niltiocles glances over to almost say something to irk the prince, but instead replies with, "He told me not to pursue him anymore. It seems there's someone carrying my child for a while now."

"It must be that guy, a son of Rassol Leire," Ajax points to Borscht up ahead.

"How could it be him? First he's a guy; and second, we haven't done it yet. We barely know each other."

"Then it must be someone else's seed he's carrying. He's an Aarthian soldier and a young master of Leire, there's no way he doesn't enjoy alcohol; yet he didn't touch any last night."

Ajax turns behind to his soldiers, "Are there any rumors among you guys about him?"

The group of female soldiers gasp, blush instantly, and whisper to one another secretively.

"He's very popular among the female maids and soldiers," Yangtai giggles with her colleagues since they are rather casual with Ajax.

Suzhen adds, "There was a rumor that Sir Borscht made love with a man by the Aarthian Mistress's window. But I don't think it's true since he obviously likes girls."

The prince glances over at Niltiocles, "I still think you did that."

"How could you say that? I couldn't have... He's like the friend—He's Alosrin's stepson's soldier. There are just enough layers that we wouldn't dare do that."

"You're going to hurt his feelings," Ajax rolls his shoulders back with his eyes fixated on Niowei who is smiling and waving at him.

Borscht turns to see them and makes a sour face. He sighs and says to Alosrin, "Did Mother lie to me? It seems he doesn't even know we exist. His eyes are still glued on you, you know?"

"I didn't know you wanted him to know," Alosrin smirks teasingly. "I'll tell him more explicitly then."

"No. It's good that he hadn't figured it out yet. Also could we stop by Thempolis? I'll like to return this sword to my eldest brother," Borscht grabs the sword at his side like he's not ready to let it go.

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