A Fight Over the Child's Name

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As we travel North to the headquarter Nillin's chosen, I get more sick and due to the pregnancy.

Although Carcyne is here to help me, all the sore throats and heavy heads don't ever leave fully let alone permanently. I'm only allow to eat simple dishes like water down soups and drink hot honey with ginger tea.

Due to the weather, fresh fruits and vegetables are scarce. To tell the truth, I don't see how we can feed a pregnant man and an army.

So I don't even know why Nillin chose just a cold place to be his headquarter; and for Lexin nor Falogan to stop him make me even more flabbergasted.

The only good thing I see in this is that the Heinzworths control the main import and export of goods for Aarth and they 'were' on our side. Ergo, not even a good thing now.

But I shouldn't worry about these things. Nillin is very capable and so are his followers. All I need to do is focus on growing the baby inside me until my fear of childbirth comes to fruition.

One evening while I rest in my tent, I finally ask Caria, "When will we be there? I don't want to live like this anymore."

She chuckles, "Just a few more days. We're almost there, Lord Maeve."

I rub my growing stomach.

"Has Prince Nillin proposed any names and has Lord Maeve accepted any?" Caria ask curiously.

I roll my eyes and shake my head, "We haven't talked for the last two weeks."

"Oh," Caria is embarrassed about what she asked.

Carcyne jumps into the conversation while bringing in a tray of my dinner, "Then may I suggest one?"

"Of course," Caria helps me get up from my bed. My head is still very heavy and it's starting to affect my productiveness.

Trieu suddenly appears at the entrance of my tent, "May we join you for dinner?"

I am curious to his 'we', but I quickly understand when I see Nillin closely behind him. Just seeing his face makes my heart skip a beat.

Until now, I have not realize I have become exactly what I told myself I'm not when I was still at grandmother's lair.

Can I blame this on love? Probably not.

"Of course." I turn to Caria and Carcyne, "Please go bring back enough food for Zummarian Commander Trieu and Prince Nillin."

They nod as their answer and leave the tent in accordance after finding seats for Trieu and Nillin.

We sit together in a round table with simple hot tea. All of our shoulders are stiff because it has been awhile since we all gather together.

This is the very first time just the three of us are going to enjoy a meal together.

"Brother Trieu," I begin, "How are our Zummarians?"

Trieu nods and put on a weak gesture, "We are doing fine. Although they are a little homesick."

"So am I," I allow myself to be selfish ignoring Nillin's quiet presence. "I would like to be surrounded by the laughters of everyone at home."

"But 'this' is your home now." Trieu shakes his head a little in disappointment, "You must learn to love and care for every Aarthians for they are your children."

I want to sigh, but I hold myself, "Yes, but can't I be the tiniest bit..."

"Brother-in-law," Nillin interrupts while his arms still crossed and eyes wondering elsewhere. "I already told you. It's not I who is avoiding Maeve, but Maeve himself is avoiding me. There is no point in me staying here when he won't even glance my way."

So he noticed. However, he hasn't grasp onto the reasons as to why I'm avoiding him.

Trieu glares straight into my being and tilts his to Nillin twice. He really wants me to talk to Nillin, huh? But I have nothing to say.

I prolong the situation until Caria and Carcyne brings in more food. Immediately, I begin digging in, but Trieu angrily whispers, "Maeve!"

Trieu isn't going to let this go. I gather myself because in a situation where my parents are far away or not around, Trieu is acting as my parent. To defy him at this moment is to ignore life and death.

"Nillin, have you thought of a name for the child?" I start up a conversation.

Because Trieu is acting as my parent, he is also acting as Nillin's parent. To not answer me accordingly, will be the same as he ignoring life and death as well.

I asked this specific question because I know Nillin has not put much thought either. Nillin doesn't see the child and I as his family, only obligation which he can delay to the back of his mind.

That is what I believe as of right now.

As I smile mischievously inside, I wear a poker face when I force myself to glance at him. I want to see him stunned for words!

"If the child is a son, I would like to name him after my father, Prince Niltiocles, and," Nillin looks incredibly bored out of his mind. "If the child is a daughter, I want to name-no, I have not thought of a name for a daughter yet."

He basically put no thought into that!

There is no way I'll name my child after the man who plotted the massacre of his maternal grandmother's people even of he is the paternal grandfather.

Yes. This mean that I have decide that I blame the five year old Nillin for seeing through the massacre.

"How about Asahi regardless if the child is a son or daughter?" I suggest.

"Why Asahi?" Trieu asks after being the first to dig in.

I put on a fake smile as I stare down Nillin's boredom. There are two reasons why I chose this name.

First being that it reminds me of that morning when Nillin returns from Kalor as the sun casually reach for the sky and still able to outshine the stars turning the dark color with the morning it brings.

Second, a name that describe the morning will always remind anyone who know of 'now' that this child is named after Lexin.

After all, it this child and Lexin who are preventing Nillin from simply abandoning his destiny.

Nillin's presence towers me with an uncanny smirk and dreadful eyes that say 'You son of a bitch', but he instead speaks, "What a beautiful name."

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