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I think it has been a few days since Nien has taken my son and I as hostages.

Although I wouldn't know since I can't see the weathers outside.

It's also hard to take long naps because I fear of what Nien might do to me.

"Asahi's mom," Grandmama calls me. "I think my precious great-grandson is hungry or something."

"Okay, thank you," I give her a smile and takes Asahi from her.

I unveil his diaper and my heart saddens. It's diaper rash.

We haven't bathe in a few days and there aren't enough supplies of any sort to properly raise a baby.

"I'm sorry, it must hurt a lot," I remove the diaper cloth completely and use the little water I have left to clean Asahi's bums.

Around me are also some mothers and children, so I decide to go ask about remedies for diaper rash.

"I'm sorry to bother you," I tap the shoulder of a mother nearby.

She turns around. She looks incredibly beautiful and her skin is quite light and soft.

"Yes?" The mother answers me.

"Do you have anything for diaper rash?" I ask her with the crying Asahi in my arms.

She makes an awkward face and says, "My maid takes care of my child. I don't know much about motherhood."

"Then may I speak with your maid?"


I move closer to the well aged woman who doesn't look up at all, "Do you have any remedies for diaper rash? My child—"

"I'm sorry. My lady's child is my top priority. I cannot help you," the woman answers me.

I notice the mother smirks carelessly.

Yeah. It's probably because I'm dark skinned.

I go over to a few mothers and their maids as well, but no one is willing to spare a remedy for diaper rash.

"Neh!" Asahi sounds, so I return to Grandmama's place and feed Asahi.

When he is finally asleep, I blow on his bums hoping it helps even the littlest.

"What are you doing?" Nien whispers in my ear from behind. "It looks like you're eating your baby's poop."

I jump a little causing Grandmama to have her laugh of the day.

"Asahi has diaper rash," I answer him. "I was just blowing his bums for relief."

"Diaper rash?" Nien crosses his arms. "Claire! Didn't I give you money to buy baby powder for diaper rashes?"

Claire rushes from a corner of the pocket space to attend Nien. She answers with short breaths, "Yes. I did, Prince Nien."

"Then why does the Queen need to blow on his baby's bums for diaper rash relief?" Nien's brows narrow angrily.

Claire is speechless and I can tell a few scenarios are going through her mind, but she answers, "I'm terribly sorry Prince Nien. Next time, I'll make sure to give the Queen her portion first."

"Go ask for some from somebody," Nien orders.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Claire runs off.

Nien pinches the bridge of his nose, "It's so hard starting a revolution. I feel like I have to do every little thing myself. Tell me, how did you so easily gather allies for Nillin?"

"Is Prince Nien asking help from his enemy?" I question him.

He clicks his tongue, "Forget I say anything. Anyway, we will be able to leave this place soon. Nillin is finally setting out his army to find you or something."

"He what?"

"I know," Nien nods his head. "I didn't fully believe it when Fiona told me because now I have to escalate my plans since Nillin is head over heels for you."

I want to tell him that it's not a good idea to tell his hostage the current situations all the time, but it's in my favor so I'm keeping my mouth shut for this.

"Are you planning to overthrow the kingdom when Nillin is out searching for me?"

"No." He answers me. "We're all leaving the Capital to my headquarters in the East."

Does he notice that I actually gave him the better option in this revolution of his?

"Grandmama and all these mothers cannot travel as fast as you want," I offer. "Why did you build an army of mostly nursing women?"

"Because Nillin killed all the men," Nien clicks her tongue. "I can't believe he's so smart."

I really want to tell him that it's not that Nillin is smart, rather he's just a privileged prince who doesn't know a single thing about war.

"After you use up all the jewelry you took from me, what else is going to sustain your revolution?" I ask out of serious concern.

Nien goes blank.

And I just want to hold my breath and die right now.

How did I let someone like this kidnap me? Or is he simply acting dumb? I can't tell at all.

"What does Fiona suggest?" I ask because I'm pretty sure Fiona is the brain of this operation.

"She says it best to move out as fast as we can, and then... Why am I telling you this, again?" Nien finally catches on.

I roll my shoulders, "It's not like I can do anything to slow you down."

"Oh yeah. Okay then. I'll—"

"Nien! Stop it right there," Fiona stands angrily behind Nien. "I thought I told you to stop telling the Queen our plans!"

"Yes!" Nien quickly stands up, and then laughs, "You know if you tell me to not tell Maeve things, I'll want to tell him more."

"Please try to be a little more like King Nillin," Fiona sighs. "If you can't even do that, there really is no point in us trying to start a revolution."

Yup. Fiona is the backbone to this operation.

"Your Highness, I got the baby powder here," Claire is out of breath as always.

"Thank you, Claire," Nien takes the baby powder and hands it to me.

When I reach for it, Nien snatches my hand unwilling to let out a creepy smile.

"Nina! She is your brother's wife!" Grandmama snaps angrily. "I don't want to see you do something so disgusting in front of me ever again!"

Nien loosens his grip and I quickly move closer to Grandmama.

"Thank you," I avoid eyes contact with him.

Fiona, Claire, and Nien say a few more things before going away again.

I lay Asahi on my laps and apply the powder on his bums, and wrap him up again.

"Asahi's mom," Grandmama begins. "Come a little closer to me."

I move closer to her and she feels my face, arms, and belly.

She whispers, "I thought you were just ill for being in a place like this, but you're actually pregnant."

"P—pregnant?" I repeat.

She nods, "If I don't help you get back to Nillin, your baby might not survive."

Survive? Does she know about the persimmon dreams?

"What do you mean Grandmama?"

She looks around and then at me, "Just don't tell anyone until you meet Nillin again."

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