Itching Scar

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It is early in the evening when Maeve and the others gather around and eat on a low table like the ones at Zummar.

Maeve takes a root-like vegetable and places it in Nisara's hand.

He only has four teeth to nibble the vegetable with, but he eats it with full effort.

"Okay. That's it. He's too cute," Bethany dramatically sighs and put down her utensils.

Rayn, Sina, and Zeno all laugh at Bethany's reaction because although they adore Nisara, they're not as dramatic as her.

"Maeve, if Bethany is doing a restaurant, isn't it more effective if we use the stored from the Elven Ruins?" Nien tries to make the table a little more serious.

Maeve makes a slightly uncomfortable look because the point of the food was to make sure everyone survive this winter.

"You want me to make the food free don't you," Bethany smiles brilliantly.

The dark man shy away in guilt.

"What if they should just pay whatever they can? And if they can't, then it's okay," Fiona offers a soft smile.

"That's not how a business works, honey," Bethany clicks her tongue. "But if Ina tells me to I will."

"Then would you please, Bethany."

Bethany's eyes widen as she thinks she heard him wrong.

"I—I want my people to eat—"

"You needn't explain yourself," Bethany gathers herself. "I will keep my words. Then will you please excuse me."


Maeve jumps to her side, "Forget what I said I—"

Bethany heaves out a long sigh and pats Maeve head while walking out of the house.

The half elf feels flusters and embittered because he doesn't want to force Bethany to do something she clearly doesn't want to.

And it makes sense as a business to not give out free stuff and expecting nothing in return. That's what a charity is for.

Maeve returns to the low table and everyone is picking up the dishes.

"We'll handle everything else. Just take A—I mean Nisara and My Queen to sleep now," Fiona hands over the little child.

"It's still too early to sleep. Let me help as well."

"There are so many of us now. We can do it. My Queen should rest."

Fiona lowers her head with a smile and the room is left with only Nisara and Maeve standing awkwardly.

The mother and son pair return to their room and bath before lying comfortably on the bed.

Weak lights still peak through the closed windows, and Nisara's eyes are wide open.

"Mama," Nisara gurgles as he climbs on top of Maeve and rolls around carelessly.

"Can't sleep sunshine?" Maeve combs his fingers through the silky silver baby hair. "Mommy can't either."


Maeve smiles softly and bends his knees after lighting up a lamb.

"Clap, clap, one, two, three. Clap, clap, clap with me..."

Nisara begins clapping and singing along with Maeve while drooling along the way.

After a few rounds, it is Maeve who got bored first.

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