A Series of Unexpected Events Part III

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"Welcome to my humble home," Da'an Ryul claps his hands together at the sight of the last full Enzumin.

Alosrin slightly curls the corner of his lips as he nods his head in greetings.

"My brother," Jaufasi climbs onto the bed and sits beside a little mortal boy with bouncy brown hair and golden skin.

"I think it's Da'an Ryul's doing, but he wouldn't admit to it," Artemis explains with dull eyes choking the Regent.

Da'an Ryul chuckles and throws his hands up, "I'm innocent."

As Alosrin observes the sleeping mortal boy, Da'an Ryul comments in the tongue of the fairies, "A daughter of the Northern Conquerors... Although, she looks more like her mother."

"A mortal," Niowei knits her brows, confused..

"This is most certainly interesting. Your mother had taught you well, Princess Yllathanise," Da'an Ryul glances at Alosrin.

"Just Yllathanise is fine." Niowei meekly corrects him and then hides behind her mother.

The Regent stands up from his seat, walks over to the little girl, and kneels at her side, "Yllathanise. Your mother named you after the titan slayer."

"The child is awake. He is only pretending," Alosrin pulls the cover swiftly, startling the little Kalorian Crown Prince.

Da'an Ryul openly laughs, "See. I didn't do anything."

Arabret pouts as he glares at Jin who had been helping him keep the secret.

"Good Heavens, Jin," Aguano instantly reads the situation.

Jin shrugs his shoulders unapologetically.

"It seems that although we just got here, we ought to leave as soon as we can," Alosrin grabs Niowei's hand, heading for the door.

"Wait!" Da'an Ryul openly uses magic to simply close the door, "What if I ask for a favor in return for the location in which my Father hid Artemis's wife?"

Artemis stomps over and holds Da'an Ryul off the ground by his neck, "I really shouldn't have held back just because you're a mortal."

"L—Let me down," the Regent struggles to beg as he gasps for air.

"Yes! Kill him!" Arabret rises from the comfortable bed.

Reminded that there are children in the room, Artemis lets Da'an Ryul go, "Where is Juda?"

"Mommy?" Jaufasi climbs down the bed and tugs at Da'an Ryul's leg, "Where's my mommy?"

The Regent continues to wear his grin and points to Alosrin, "If Alosrin swore to stay in my palace for the next five year years, I'll give you the location."

Quickly, Artemis turns to Alosrin with a worried look, but Alosrin shrugs happily.

"Then do we have a deal?" Da'an Ryul crosses his arm pretentiously.

"Not yet." Artemis drags the elf by the elbow to the balcony, "What about your lover?"

"What about my lover? I'm sure he'll understand. You and Juda had helped my daughter and I through more than enough for a lifetime. If I can help reunite you both by staying here for a couple of years, I would definitely do it."

"But you'll be his prisoner, Alosrin." Artemis covers his face with a hand, "You needn't trade your freedom for us... And I don't fully know why he would make such a trade. It seems too easy."

Alosrin laughs and leans against the rails, "Of course I know it seems too easy, but I will not let him have the upper hand if I can help it. Besides, if it is a trap, then what do we have to lose?"

"We won't have Juda back even if we didn't fall for his trap," Artemis removes his hand from his face and stares into the far horizon.

"Juda's body is most likely froze in time because even the fairies can't reverse the magic of Dawerilium moss," Alosrin places a hand on Artemis's shoulder. "But as long as we have his body in our hands, we can try as many times as we can to bring him back."

The dragon turns back and sees his son smiling at the thought of seeing his mother again. His emotions overcome his reasons, and he answers, "Okay, but as soon as you don't want to stay here anymore, I'll come bust you out."

"You don't think I can bust myself out?" Alosrin raises an eyebrow.

Artemis winces painfully, "You could, but I know you wouldn't because you'll feel morally obligated to follow through with your words."

"Why do I feel like punching you in the gut?" Alosrin bursts out laughing and so does Artemis.

At the moment, Alosrin and Artemis can only guess why Da'an Ryul specifically requested five years of imprisonment.

They return inside where the rest are standing around, awaiting their decision.

Artemis gives a deep sigh, "Where is Juda?"

Da'an Ryul glances at Alosrin who nods with a smile and answers, "To the North and underneath the cold and frozen rubbles of your Grandmother's lair."

"Why? That's 'my' territory. King Mihr has no—"

"Then you shouldn't have taken so long to claim your heritage." Da'an Ryul glances at Alosrin again, "Were you trying to get him to repopulate your mountain sides?"

"No!" Niowei grabs onto her mother's leg with ugly narrowed eyes.

The Regent laughs, "Is that why you chose an useless half fairy with no heritage?"

Artemis chooses to ignore the mortal magician because what he said is true. He goes to Alosrin and whispers, "Please help me watch over my son and his brother. I'll be back as soon as I can with Juda."

"Not to underestimate your intelligence, strength, and skills King Artemis, but I think you'll need our help," Jin takes Aguano's arm with a step forward.

"What? What can we do?" Aguano shakes off Jin's hand.

"What do you mean by 'What can we do?' We can do a lot of stuff. We are some of the best warriors Aarth have to offer." Jin wears a gentleman's smirk, "If a fairy now has control over your grandmother's territory, do you think he'll easily give it back or even allow a dragon on the land or in its sky?"

Alosrin nods, "Yes. I would feel more at ease if they go with you. If I'm going to stay here for five years, I would like it if we can get Juda back."

"They're mortals, Alosrin. And I'm not going to let any one else sacrifice themselves for my sake," Artemis balls his fists with a heavy tone.

"If that's the case then I'm not going for your sake," Jin places a hand on his hip unabashedly. "I would like to go see where our Crown Prince was conceived."

"Jin, can you not be disgusting?" Aguano rolls his eyes and slaps the back of Jin's head. "Anyway, I'm not going. My duty is to protect Princess Niowei."

"What?" Jin makes baffled faces and gestures. "No. You have to come with me. What will you tell my father if I die?"

Aguano crosses his arms, "Why do you think you're on the same level of importance as Princess Niowei? And you're a grown man doing what you selfishly volunteered in."

"But you're my best friend—"

"I'm your only friend," Aguano corrects him.

"Okay. Whatever. You're my only friend and we haven't gone on an adventure together yet."

The dragon yawns and gives Jaufasi and Arabret hugs and kisses, but only mutual nods with Alosrin, "I'll be leaving now. Please take care."

"Wait for us!" Jin drags Aguano with him and rushes toward Artemis.

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