Confused and Lost

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"We finally caught up."

Borscht wakes up covered in morning dew. He looks over at Alosrin who is also awake and listening to the conversation near them.

Alosrin tucks Niowei under beside Ajax and wakes him up while Borscht grabs his sword and approaches the conversation himself.

He walks past a few evergreen trees and finds his sword at the neck of four Hucan soldiers, "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're here to protect Crown Prince Ajax and his family upon the order of the King and Queen of Huca."

"He's over here, but I don't know if he's happy to see you guys," Borscht gestures for them to follow him.

Upon return, Alosrin stands guard with his long ears covered up, "So it's just you guys."

The soldiers kneel before Alosrin and Ajax, greeting and introducing themselves and their mission.

Ajax glances over at Alosrin and shakes his head, "Would you like to protect more people? Or are the original four good enough?"

"Do whatever," Alosrin pinches the bridge of his nose and retakes the sleeping girl from Ajax.

The prince laughs as he pulls Alosrin on top of him, "Don't tell me to do whatever, else I'll really do whatever I please. Like this."

"Grow some manners," Alosrin sighs as he tries to peel himself off.

"I can try to practice some manners, but certainly not grow any," Ajax sniffs the elf's cheek before letting him go.

"I thought we agreed to play fair," Niltiocles stands above the prince and pulls at his collar.

The four Hucan soldiers come to their prince's aid, pull Niltiocles away and stand Ajax up.

While they continue to fight and settle a score, Alosrin tugs at Borscht's sleeve, "Let's leave."

"Yes," Borscht follows Alosrin and Niowei towards the rising sun in the East.

Along the way, they reach a quiet village that doesn't receive many travelers. Although they greet the group with much enthusiasm, they're also very wary of them.

The village welcomes the summer solstice and the group watches their dances of celebrations.

"Why aren't you drinking or eating?" Niltiocles asks Borscht after a while of observation. "Here, don't be rude and drink their finest beer."

"Take Yllathanise to sleep for me, Borscht," Alosrin takes the cup from Niltiocles like he had been doing. "She wants to sleep with you."

Borscht gives a thankful nod and excuses himself.

Ajax's eyes follow the soldier into the distance until Niltiocles comments, "His heart is already taken by another married man."

"Oh. I didn't ask but thanks," Ajax leans into Alosrin's shoulder. "It's been a while since I've drunk authentic Aarthian beer. It's as good as I last remember it. Bitter to the point of vomit and yet the scent and last task before swallowing is sweeter than a groove of wisterias."

"You're the second man who describes it that way," a drunk old man sitting on the other side of the mat laughs after slapping his knee.

Ajax smiles because he knows who the drunk old man is referring to, that is, himself.

"The beer is meant only for ceremonies, but we drink it because we're out of the good wine," the drunk old man yawns and rubs his eyes. "Young man, you sound more like an Aarthian than all these youngsters here."

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