The Ones Left Behind Part I

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After a few days have passed, the family is exhausted from looking for the children. Even now, Alosrin has woken up and recuperating.

Maeve and Nillin has improved on their communication and are solidifying a treaty with Huca before returning home to the Capital.

There were news that Paliciosa is in chaos for reasons that are yet to be revealed, and so Asana and Yennenga returns to Vilii without Yasana.

Gozen and his family also return to their home to Northeastern Mountains in Galiaph, a country west of Kalor. They meant to leave with Arabret, but since they couldn't find him, they left without him.

Nien and Fiona continues their revival work throughout the nation as the weather becomes greener.

Their sister, Claire, goes with them to take care of Fiona and the unborn child. Although the rest of that side of the family still refuses to accept their union.

And as for Artemis and Omega... Let's say Artemis cares for his son more than building his relationship with Omega.

Of course Gao-Jer doesn't like this and often speaks of it to Omega.

"Why are you still with him if he pays you less attention than his kid who's not even here?" Gao-Jer heaves angrily.

Omega shrugs her shoulders, "It's because I think I've fallen for him. I don't know if it's the destiny thing, but I really want him to be happy."

"And when is the wedding?"

"Artemis says that after he finds Jaufasi, we'll begin planning the wedding."

Gao-Jer pinches the bridge of her nose, "You need to be a little more aggressive. I can see it as clear as day that he's just waiting to find both the mother and child and then leave you behind."

"Then so be it. It's better that he has a happy marriage life than a miserable one with me," Omega smiles casually. "Also, the mother won't marry Artemis. Their species aren't compatible."

"You confuse me, Omega. I feel like you care too much and not enough at the same time."

And as Artemis climbs up the stairs with Niltiocles and Alosrin, the two greet them by lowering their heads.

"Then I'll go get ready," Alosrin taps Artemis's shoulders before going down the stairs to his room on the first floor.

"Let me come with you," Niltiocles catches Alosrin's hand.

The elf shakes off Niltiocles and says, "There are two maidens and two eligible bachelors. Go have fun."

Niltiocles knits his brows, "I'm not an eligible bachelor. We had Niowei together."

"What kind of nonsense are you going on about?" Alosrin mocks Niltiocles with a bluffing laughter. "She's not your daughter. Her father isn't you. It's the other you, the real you."

Alosrin chuckles a sweet melody as he goes down the staircase.

"I hate building a relationship. I wish I can just skip to the part where we both understand each other and are good to one another," Niltiocles complains to Artemis.

The dragon nods his head dramatically in response, "Likewise."

"Hey. You and Omega need to discuss your wedding," Gao-Jer pursed her lips and her hands on her hips.

Omega averts her eyes shyly meanwhile Artemis firmly nods, "Yes. We will as soon as Jaufasi is found."

"Just as the letter he left behind, he's looking for his mother. I'm sure she won't let him be in danger. I think it's more important that you make your relationship with Omega official else it'll feel like you're keeping her here just in case your ex-wife won't come back to you."

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