Take It Under

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Book II

<The Story will now shift to a 3rd POV Omniscient. If you have questions as to why, feel free to ask them in the comment section below.>

Alosrin wakes quietly while trying to refocuse his eyes on the giant reptile head up way above his resting spot.

"Awake?" Artemis whispers.

"Yes. Do you mind explaining to me why it's only Yllathanise and I here?" Alosrin sits up and gently pats his daughter sleeping head.

"I'm surprised you can tell," Artemis grunts teasingly.

After realizing that Alosrin isn't going to give a comeback, Artemis answers, "Maeve and I are hoping that maybe Asana, Yennenga's wife who is also the Dragon Crowned Princess of the Southeastern Sea of Paliciosa, could help your regression."

Alosrin looks away and shrugs his shoulders emotionlessly.

"My parents looked everywhere for a cure, but were only able to temporarily treat me with the help of knowledge."

"Well, maybe this time it will be different. A lot of time had passed since their time."

"What's the point?" Alosrin asks drily. "Would gaining perfect vision, hearing, and being able to talk without a numb tongue make my life happier?"

"Would you not want to vividly see and hear Yllathanise's face and voice?"

Alosrin sits quietly until he picks his daughter up onto his lap.

" ... How she looks and sounds like in my memories are enough. If I ask for more, I'll end up being greedy again."

"When were you ever greedy? I would love to see you want something," Artemis says softly hoping that Alosrin would answer back.

The dark skin elf kisses the soft silver hair, "When I met her father. You weren't there to stop me from falling into a trap."

"You have always been like this even when you were young. You keep bottling everything up until they explode like last time."

Alosrin sarcastically chuckles, "Oh are you so observant now? Let's stop talking about me. What about you? Does my face turn you on because I look like my father?"

"I could really drop you into the ocean right about now," the dragon grunts furiously.

"I thought so... Move on Artemis. And let me move on as well. Before Niltiocles, I was me; and I assure you that after him, I am still me."

"You're just lying to yourself—"

"Take out the logs out of your eyes before trying to help me with the dust in mine."

The two shut up, even avoiding eye contact for a while.

One of the reasons Artemis feels obligated to take care of Alosrin is the promise he made to Alosrin's parents.

He is close with this family because he was studying under Alosrin's father, who was (almost) much older than he is.

It started out as admiration, but Artemis knew he was in love when Alosrin's father introduced his wife and announced the conceived Alosrin in her womb.

Alosrin's father offered Alosrin to be betrothed to Artemis because he already saw him as a son.

On another note, Alosrin was born completely healthy and normal.

He lost his hearing and sight when Artemis took him out to hunt as a toddler.

Alosrin was always a curious and careful child; so when he saw the Dawerilium moss, he was curious enough to want to see it close, and careful enough to only burned his face.

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