In a Skirt

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For the first time since my marriage has played at the forefront of my consciousness and subconsciousness, I lie down with peace at heart.

The small child sleeping in my arms appears to have calmed down as well, and his breaths becoming steady and softer.

I run my finger through his silky silver hair and slightly poke the plumpiness of his rosy cheeks.

His little hands grip onto my blouse tightly still as if I'll disappear once he lets go. Little does he know, I will find him to the ends of the world if I must.

And little by little, I doze off into the dimension between this world and the other worlds.


I wake up to Asahi's cries because his aunt is trying to pick him up.

Nien wears a masculine white blouse with one of my long blue skirt and her hair is in the usual ponytail. She is beautiful.

"I like your new look," I smile and rise from the comfy bed.

Asahi bends backward from Nien's embrace with his fingers making squeezing motions because he wants to escape from his aunt's iron threshold.

Nien holds Asahi still and turns so her back faces me, "Stop looking at me with those eyes! I tired of living by my father's will, so I'm just embracing myself, okay?"

She sounds like she fears judgement, so I give none.

"One hand on his bottom and the other on his back," I direct her.

When she does so, Asahi calms down.

Nien turns to face me again and the little child in her arms stares at me with stressful eyes and a pouting mouth.

"You know, he looks a lot like you," Nien says shyly. "This little guy, he looks a lot like you is what I meant."

"Yeah?" I mumble out a chuckle, "You're the first one to make that connection, Nien. Most people say he looks like his father and you and King Nir and—"

"Just because we all have pale ass skin that glows in the dark, silver hair that ride with the wind, and eyes as blue as the sea?" She makes a stout expression after a single eyes roll.

I nod.

The young maiden holds the child in front of her, and stares fiercely at him like she's going to slice him thinly and playfully salts his flesh while drinking his blood with satisfied pleasure.

Of course any child will burst into helpless tears and my Asahi isn't an exception.

"He's too soft like his mother," Nien dumps her nephew into my arms.

"I'm sure Asahi will like you soon," I hug Asahi and rub his back gently.

Then Nien's burns bright red all the way to her ears and collarbones.

"I don't need the approval of a baby!" She declares as she rushes down the staircases.

Nien must be greeted by Fiona and Grandmama downstairs because she shouts, "Never seen a woman wears woman apparel?"

Then she storms outside too.

I feed Asahi before we go downstairs into the washroom to wash our faces and rinse our teeth with salt.

He sits in my arms as I dispose of my liquid waste.

Once we're done, we greet Grandmama like every morning. This time with the addition of Fiona who sits in the corner working on the red wedding dress.

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