Without A Resolve

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While Yasana and Gao-Jer continue to bicker at one another, a few tables over is where a new family trying to make things work.

"Jau-Jau, finish your food quickly and we will finally get out of this town," Juda refuses to acknowledge that Artemis is sitting with them.

"Why are you leaving?" Artemis asks after a moment of questioning his worth.

Juda doesn't answers, so Jaufasi asks his mother, "Mommy, why does that person keep following us?"

"Because he's a lying fool."

Artemis catches Juda stealing glances at him and says, "For the both of you, it's free to look at my face."

"Stop it, Artemis," Juda says at last. "Can't you see that I'm suffering enough already? You have a big and powerful family supporting you, so leave this boy to be my hearth."

"Why can't I also be your hearth, Juda?" Artemis asks in a painful and agonizing voice.

"Because a dragon and a fairy shouldn't form a union," Juda quickly wipes the boy's lips and hand, and takes him out of the restaurant.

Artemis follows them to the edge of town where there are only cold winds and muddy slopes.

"I talked with my brothers," Artemis shouts at their backs. "I told them you're my partner and he's our son."

Juda turns around with a bitter expression, "Idiot. And stop following us."

"Mommy, I'm cold," Jaufasi snuggles harder onto Juda's bosoms.

Artemis takes off his large coat and covers them tightly.

They say nothing else until they reached an empty small cabin very far Northwest of the town.

All round them is tall evergreen trees and snow falling down on the fluffy white ground.

Artemis helps them settle inside and burns one of his scale at the fireplace to keep the cabin warm.

Juda hasn't notice that he sighs every time he eyes meet with Artemis's.

Outside is already dark and Juda pulls out a piece of bread out of his supply bag for Jaufasi to eat.

The boy tears his bread into three even pieces.

"Here," Jaufasi hands Artemis a piece.

Then to his mother, he says with a gleeful smile, "Mommy."

"I'm not hungry. Eat it for me," Juda returns the piece of bread to his son.

Artemis hands Juda his piece, "You should eat. You're half human."

"Is that why you're acting all crazy about me?" Juda laughs, "Is it because I'm half human like Maeve? I heard he's your favorite."

"No. I love you because you're you," Artemis makes a soft expression even with his tough looks.

"And then you favor him because he's half elf, half of your Alosrin," Juda smiles condescendingly.

Artemis doesn't dare to reply back and simply smiles at the boy who's staring at him.

After Jaufasi sleeps, Juda finally opens up a little.

"I know I am a disgusting being for the things I've done. And I'm not slender and beautiful like the elves that you and everyone else adore; so you can just drop it, Artemis," Juda leans against a standing pillar in the cabin while staring at the flickering flame.

"As if I could ever be disgusted by your past nor the things you can't help," Artemis answers from beside the fireplace, staring at the family he eagerly wants to be a part of.

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