Working Juda

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It's in the late afternoon when Yasana happens to see Juda still drinking.

"Why aren't you with the others?" Yasana sits in front of him.

Juda looks up at Yasana with blood shot eyes, "Because you don't need to know. Why are you here?"

"My mother said it's okay if I travel with you guys."

The fairy pinched the bridge of his nose, "Does your uncle still want to marry Alosrin?"

"I believe he still loves you, but now feel even more obligated to Alosrin."

Yasana takes the barrel of alcohol from Juda's reach, "If you and my uncle are going to be like this, why don't you two just be together?"

"You think your family will appreciate someone like me!" Juda slams the table with a face about to break into tears.

"Tell your uncle to come get his kid," Juda gets up to leave but he collapses.

Yasana put Juda on her shoulder and wonders about what he meant by 'kid'.

She takes him to Alosrin and the others following their distinctive scents.

"You guys aren't hiding if you think you are," Yasana says when Alosrin opens the door for them.

"Thank you for bringing him back here," Alosrin takes Juda from Yasana's shoulders, and put him in his bed.

"Yllathanise!" Yasana squeals when she sees Niowei drawing. It takes her a while to realize there is a dragon boy beside her.

"Who's he?"

"He's uncle's son." Niowei says with a smile when she greets the dragon princess.

Yasana is much more puzzled by the situation, and asks the boy directly, "Who are your parents?"

"My mommy is the person you brought back," the boy answers shyly.

"Are you perhaps my cousin?" Yasana turns her head as she observes his physical features.

The little boy avoids Yasana and focuses on his drawing.

Yasana pinches Niowei's cheek, "You're so cute! I want you to be my little sister."

"Okay, but you need to teach me so I can protect my mommy," Niowei continues to draw.

"Only if your mommy is okay with it," Yasana peaks over to see what Niowei is drawing. "What are you drawing?"

"Asahi and me playing."

"Who's Asahi?"

Niowei thinks hard about it and answers, "He's my nephew. His mommy is Maeve."

"Uncle Maeve has a baby? How come no one told me this," Yasana pouts and stares at the drawing.

Alosrin brings snacks for the children and sit beside Yasana, "How are your parents?"

"They're doing good," Yasana sighs. "Why does this boy looks like me?"

The elf shrugs his shoulders.

"Anyway, why are you here? Do you have any plans about what to do next?" Yasana crosses her arms and looks unpleased with Alosrin.

"No, I actually have no plan."

"Then what about the sudden slavery that you indirectly caused?"

Alosrin looks at the children and switches to a different language, "I can't do much about that. It is not something one person can solve."

"So are you saying that it's not your responsibility?"

"No. That's not what I was saying at all. I sincerely apologize if I came off that way, but I don't see how I can contribute to the cause you're seeking in me."

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