Tea on the Patio

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"Oh. That is a problem." I bite my bottom lip trying to think of something that can go around that. "Then who can?"

"Can we ask the spirit nicely to leave Lexin's body?" Caria openly suggests.

I thought Carcyne is going to roll her eyes at Caria, but instead she catches both of Caria's hands, "You're a genius!"

"How?" Both Caria and I roll our eyes instead.

"We can simply ask the woman to leave and if she doesn't know how, I can guide her," Carcyne places a hand over her heart and sighing in relief.

Could she have a thing for Lexin?

"It's that easy?"

"Yes," Carcyne turns to me and cups my face. "Will you ask him tomorrow about exorcising him? Oops. Sorry."

"It's fine," I feels my cheeks. Her feet might be weak, but her hands sure are powerful.

"When's the wedding?" Caria jokes and Carcyne blushes immediately.

To tease the cheeky Carcyne more, I add, "I will allow it."

She instantly snares at me, "Milord. Please not you too. I don't see him that way... Yet."

I turn to Caria and mouth 'yet' and we giggle which cause Carcyne to be more embarrassed. She deserves it!

"Please stop," Carcyne covers her face.

"Madam Carcyne Hienzworth," I continue to tease her. "Caria, would you be her maid of honor upon 'my' request?"

"Of course!" Caria answers, "I would've without Lord Maeve requesting me to."

Carcyne couldn't stands us any longer and gets up from the bed to the door.

She takes one last glance at us before opening the door to relieve Lesly listening in by the door.

Lesly falls onto the ground in a crawling position. She quickly gathers herself, "I will never allow it. I don't want a servant of Maeve to be my sister-in-law! I won't allow it."

"Then please leave 'my' room," I say to Lesly for she takes my last straw of patience.

"This is my palace! I can be wherever I want," Lesly points to the floor with a heavily motion.

Carcyne bites her bottom lip with fury, "Not only will Milord be your older brother, I will also be your sister-in-law! You don't scare me! You little spoiled rich girl!"

Caria stands to defend me although she needn't worry. They are like dried out twigs that would break a silent stalker.

Although Lesly isn't happy with the development, she is also scared of Carcyne. I guess she is tasting her own medicine.

On the other hand, I hope their relationship will change for the better if Carcyne and Lexin do get marry.

"Humph! I don't want to be near you all anyway," she sticks her tongue at us and leaves. How childish.

Then on the next day while taking a stroll, I was scolded by Caria and Griffey for wearing clothes that are too revealing. But is not my fault that it's so much hotter here.

Although Borscht, Kay, and Lexin are often shirtless, I am told to be modest since everyone looks up to me or something of that line.

Many would assume that I have a bad relationship with Lesly because I'm jealous or something, but they couldn't be more wrong.

Jealousy is not my thing. I don't even feel like Nillin belongs to me and vice versa. We are more together in name than in emotions or in private.

For one, I married him knowing he will marry another, if not others.

Anyway, Lexin invites me to tea, saying he has something important to talk to me about, in which I do too.

This morning, I sneakily change into a deep maroon men skirt with a gold shine and thin white shawl across only my left shoulder.

According to Caria, the royal family is not allow to cut their hair (this explains Nillin's long hair); only when they are born or when they are no longer royal.

Whatever that means... So I couldn't style my hair like how it used to be, but when luck wasn't once on my side is now.

I mean that my hair usually grows really fast so it has always been a hassle to have a haircut, but now I can just let it grow.

Lexin is waiting inside a patio wearing his usual outfit. A white dress shirt folded at the sleeves, high black slacks, and black dress shoes.

His morning blond hair falls lightly on his shoulders and his soft morning blue eyes read the scroll in his hands. His lashes are long and his brows shape his face to be a handsome beauty like those written to describe a prince from a far away land.

Desserts are arranged in abundant in a little patio with an almost lace-like sides and roof to shield the sun and allow the breezes to be enjoyed.

"Good morning," I greet him from outside the patio waiting for him to invite me in.

Lexin looks up at me with a satisfied smirk, "Good morning to you too, oh Prince Maeve. Please come enjoy tea with me."

I nod and enter the patio, Caria follows me in. Carcyne is attending Lesly as she continues to try and make Lesly fertile.

We sit a little farther away from Lexin.

Oh and Caria has golden olive skin and gentle brown hair. Her eyes are deep black which her white and gold uniform exemplifies just fine.

Lexin places the scrolls in his hands aside and gives me his full attention.

"What is it that Master Lexin would like to talk with me about?" I return his smirk.

"Right to the point. I like that." He sets up three teacups on three small plates and pour tea in, adds a sugar cube in each and offers them to Caria and I.

We take a sip and Lexin continues, "I have two Masters I would like for you to personally go see and perhaps invite."

I nod along.

"They are the Masters of the Leire family and the Boursic family. I know saying their names doesn't mean much to you. Sir Borscht is the youngest son of the Leire family and they recently rejected your invite call while demanding their son back."

Lexin continues after a sip of tea, "However, Sir Borscht clearly believe in Prince Nillin's cause and his father, the current master, just died. I think it will be beneficial for Prince Maeve to attend the funeral and invite the new Master yourself."

"I think so too," I try to pronounce everything as well as I can. "But only if you're coming with me."

"But of course." He smiles and that makes me believe I have chosen the right words and their arrangements.

"Then who is Master Boursic?" I try to guide the conversation back.

"Yes. Master Sihipe of Boursic. I think it's better for you to ask him yourself," Lexin looks at me like he wants to add the line 'It's for me to know and for you to find out', but he doesn't say it.

Then I try to think where I might have heard this name before?

But nothing comes to mind.

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