Juda's Judgement

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Outside the gates of Vilii, Alosrin and Niowei are waiting for Juda and Jaufasi in the beginning of dawn.

"Waiting out here for a few hours now," Alosrin whispers softly for Juda to hear.

"And why are you doing that for?"

"For you and your boy. We're going to visit my nephew," Alosrin rubs the sleeping little girl in his arms.

Juda flinches a little, "And why should I go with you?"

"Because he's the undesired, but indispensable Queen of Aarth. Don't you want to see for yourself, the Queen your father doesn't want but knows nothing about?"

"No. Not really. I was actually trying to get away from all things relating to Niusin." Then Juda pulls a small chuckle, "But I am interested now. Let's visit your nephew."

And then they travel Nortwest in trade ships after trade ships.

Meanwhile it turns out Niowei and Juda get really bad seasick, so Alosrin and Jaufasi take care of them.

When they reach the busy ports of the Aarthian Capital, they are mesmerized by the beauty of this boastful city.

From anywhere in an approximate distance of the Capital, all can see the soaring palace of brilliance.

"He should be living here," Alosrin mumbles as he helps Juda stands on his feet.

"Who?" Juda manages to hear.

"It's nothing," Alosrin refines his mental composure.

They rest a few days in the Capital until Juda and Niowei got better to be traveling again.

As Alosrin walks with the others across the city to the Northeast, he is constantly reminded of either Maeve or Niltiocles.

He feels that Maeve should have justice. A kind and soft person like Maeve ought to be loved by all these people around them.

"Have you heard? The King and his Mistress are going to try and make peace at the Eastern Border."

"Oh I hope they're not trying to criminalize the organization that have helped us through this harsh winter."

"How can that be? Her Grace, the Queen, provides us food and love when the Royal Family didn't want to lift their fingers. We'll protect Her Grace, the Queen."

"You know what, I always wondered where the Queen is after hearing about that organization."

Juda smirks and glances at Alosrin's wondering face, "The people don't know where their Queen is? I thought the King exiled him."

"Let's hope that's not true," Alosrin answers simply and they continue to travel past the city limits.

It does not take long until they see a big mansion on the foot of a hill after walking around one themselves.

The small town has turned into a city with bustling trade of goods and services.

"Don't tell me he lives in that big house over there," Juda sighs because he is annoyed by the rich people around him.

Juda thinks to himself that no wonder Maeve is Queen of Aarth, he's wealthy.

Alosrin notices Juda's expression and decides to say nothing, so that Juda will see for himself that all Maeve has should be more.

While walking through the city, Alosrin is often stopped by civilians, "You are Her Grace! Oh thank you so much for what you've done for my family and I!"

Again, rather than correcting them, he replies as if he is Maeve.

"Uncover those ears of yours and you'll be hearing different things," Juda says with an annoyed tone. "Let's get to the place already."

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