A Young Morning

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While Ajax returned to the celebration half conscious, he never stopped pouring drinks for everyone.

"I need to return to my duty," Borscht covers his mouth as he couldn't stop having hiccups.

"I'll join you because I accept that I'm no longer sober," Niltiocles clings onto Borscht's shoulder who isn't sober either.

"Then please have a good night's sleep. I won't force you to drink anymore," Ajax waves them goodbye with the same amount of drunk ness.

Before long, he calls some of his trusted and sober guards he considered his confidants, "Go secretly guard the rooms of the Aarthian's King and Queen, the Prince, and also the cousin and his child. Make sure no harm comes to them."

When they left, Ajax lies flat on his back while rubbing the spot where Alosrin punched earlier and heaves a few more chuckles.

The large crowd stares at him but none expected any more or less from him.

"Let's go to bed," a young and pregnant lady of noble birth stands scornfully beside Ajax's wasted body.

"Did your maid told you this is a good thing to do?" Ajax laughs hysterically with tears in his eyes.

She annoyingly averts her eyes, "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"Go back Princess," Ajax replies with hesitation and the young lady contently walks away.

Shortly afterwards, Ajax gathers himself up and allows the maids to take him to his room and ready him for bed.

And on the West, though the sun has not yet peek over the horizon, the sky is turning to a soft morning blue and the grass has dews like any spring morning.

It is this early wake when Maeve's motherly instinct wakes him up. Nillin who is satisfied by last night quickly pulls his lovely and lightly harmed wife back to bed, "I'll get him. Rest some more."

Nillin goes to the other room through the closest and gets the flustering child from the crib, "Good morning sunshine."

The maids quickly get up in disarray when they heard Nillin's voice while Yasana sleeps like a log.

"You must be tired. Rest some more," he smiles and greets them before taking Nisara back to the room on the other side of the closet.

"Do you always wake you mother up this early?" Nillin yawns as he rubs the child's back.

When Nisara sees Maeve sleeping as they walks in, he easily gurgles with joy, "Mama!"

"Sh. Not so loud, your mother is still sleeping," Nillin gently scolds the child while changing him.

What's inside the diaper is a stressful sight for the powerful King of the Aarth.

"I can't wake Maeve up," Nillin consoles and fortify his soul.

But Nisara only laughs louder when he sees his father's many terrified expressions.

The maids stand beside Nillin with uneasiness and struggles to decide whether or not to help instruct Nillin on his task.

"Um," Nillin's hand waves around looking for something to wipe the child's bottom. "What do one wipe a baby's bottom with?"

"First wash Prince Nisara with warm water and then dry him with a clean towels," the one who favors Maeve, Sudra, answers.

Sudra takes it upon herself to bring out a bucket beside Nillin and checks for the water, "Your Majesty, it seems we're lucky enough to have warm water from yesterday."

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