Does it Matter?

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I tear a piece of my dress and apply pressure to her wound without taking out the knife.

"Some of you go prepare a place for the doctor to perform on. Make sure everything is as clean as possible, boil water and cool it for the doctor as well."

Some leaves and for the rest I say, "Get a linen large enough so we can carry Lady Claire to the place the others are preparing."

And so they also rush back to go through what is left of all my linens I received as gifts from my marriage.

"W—what are you trying to achieve here?" Claire mumbles her question in gore.

"Save your energy," I whisper softly to her. "We both know what you did to the soul before us, but we shall deal with that once you are alright again."

Claire closes her eyes and chuckles, "Your morals are high, unlike mine."

The women bring out a decent size fabric and we carry Claire back as I continue to apply pressure to the wound.

Together, they prepare the place well and to the best of their abilities.

It is not much later when the two female warriors returns with the head doctor and a nurse on their backs.

Many of the women couldn't stand the sight of blood so I excuse them and myself leaving only the head doctor, a nurse, the two female warriors and five women to assist of anything that might be needed.

I return to the tomb under the tree and kneel before it.

I couldn't say anything and simply let my emotions go with the flow.

The sun is low in the Southwest when a few women come to tap my shoulder because the head doctor wants to speak with me.

When I get to the rest of the group before the doors to the doctor, I look at the female warriors and ask, "Since Claire is harmed, who now is in charge?"

The female warriors look awkwardly as each other and their eyes soon lead back to me.

I give a stern look and shake my head, before entering the room where the doctor and Claire reside.

It smells of blood and even the doctor and nurse are covered in Claire's blood.

Before I could sit on the floor with them, the head doctor bows his head, "Thank you for helping my little sister. We are in your debt."

But in my head, all I could think of is that this is probably why Nien decides to come here.

"You are welcomed," I put on a smile and sit with them with Claire resting between us.

"They told me what happened with your child and why Claire self harmed," the doctor swallows his saliva. "As her brother, I want to sincerely apologize in her stead."

"Why did she self harmed? If I may ask."

"Oh," he licks his lips. "She couldn't live with herself because she has disobeyed Prince Nien's order by... urh, murdering the fetus you were developing."

"I, of course, am still very mournful about that matter, but the child wasn't developing correctly, so it would've happened sooner or later," I hold my tears in and remove the knot at my throat.

"But didn't this happened because the fetus was developing normally?"

"Pardon?" I finally clear my throat, "I was told the fetus wasn't developing correctly, describing the fetus as ball of flesh."

"Oh," the doctor turns to his nurse. "I must've got it wrong then. Nevertheless, my sister was wrong since you were carrying Prince Nien's child."

"Where did you conclude that from?"

Now his hands shiver nervously, "Is Prince Nien not your husband?"

"No." I move my tongue away from the roof of my mouth, "I'm married to Prince Nien's older brother and both times I convinced were his."

"Prince Nien has an older brother?"

"Yes," I smile awkwardly because I'm revealing a Royal Secret. "He is King Nillin of Aarth, this very kingdom."

The nurse lowers her head immediately and the doctors soon does too.

"My Queen, your servant is incredibly sorry for being so informal," he now looks at his hands. "My sister has gravely wronged you."

"Why are you scared? I'm here not as Queen of Aarth, but a hostage for Prince Nien's Revolution," I speak with precision.

Similar to the workers in the Capital palace, he and the nurse would constantly sneak peeks at me but would avert when our gazes meet.

"Then would you mind finding me a cottage close to the town?"

"Your servant will give you one," he answers nervously still.

I give myself a nod, "Thank you; and if you happens to meet Prince Nien, tell him I don't plan on running away. I will only leave when the King has fulfill my conditions."

"Then, when can I move in?"

"Ah, I'm sure my Queen is tired. I'll come tomorrow in the early evening and take my Queen to it," he begins fidgeting his fingers.

We are quite similar. I think we could become friends if he doesn't have a crush on me.

I excuse myself and return to my son.

Asahi is hungry, but I make sure to squeeze out the remaining bitter and sour breast milk in my system before feeding him.

Once Asahi is asleep, he returns to his great-grandmother's embrace.

"From today, I know you're a great mother and a great leader," Grandmama praises me dryly. "You are also a great son—No, daughter-in-law. You allow me to hold Asahi as long and as often as I want."

"Thank you, but I'm not as good as you make me out to be," I lie flat on my back against the dry dirt.

"Why can't you allow yourself to be praised?"

"Why did you lie to me, Grandmama?" I get back up to face her. "They all said the fetus was developing correctly."

"I didn't lie to you," her chin is stiff high. "If you don't believe me, go dig that grave and look for yourself."

So this is where Nillin inherit his conscienceless manipulation from.

I sigh softly and lie back down, "It's not like I can bring the child back to life. Get some sleep Grandmama. Asahi and I will be leaving tomorrow, come with us if you wish to."


"It's embarrassing how I allowed myself to be taken hostage by the likes of Nien, Fiona, and Claire." I turn to my side and away from her, "Don't worry though, I don't plan on returning to Nillin because he hasn't kiss the sole of my parents' feet nor give a fuck about finding us."

"You can curse?"

I ignore her and fall into a slumber.

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